To the editor: Just wanted to drop a note in praise of an article that music columnist (and associate editor) Anthony Mariani wrote a few weeks back.

As a youth and aspiring artist, reading about local music in the paper (both Fort Worth Weekly and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram) fueled my dreams and inspired excitement for living in this city and the chance to be part of something great.



Now, as an adult who has experienced a bit more of the rough burdens of everyday living, I picked up your paper, honestly, not really expecting much of a music section. My dull eyes were prepped to read another tabloid-esque article about an “artist’s” criminal life or who got signed or who’s playin’ Austin this year (yawn).

To my surprise, Sir Anthony saved me from such numbing normalcy. He presented a glorious article, a good read that featured all the trimmings of a classic awe-inspiring call to arms about Fort Worth’s deep, rich music scene. It listed all the movers and shakers (like Spune, and Fort Worth Sound) before hitting a home run with the history of the featured artist’s dedication to music. Not to mention the climactic paragraph of future gigs/possibilities of the artist and of Fort Worth itself. Not to mention keeping the fantasy alive. (Not one mention of the artist’s day job!)

Once again, my blood boiled in urgency. Once again, I felt alive and filled with wild dreams of the possibility of something great — and maybe I’ll be somewhere near it. Thank you, Anthony, for writing such a wonderful article. I have rarely seen such passion displayed by any media outlet.

Josh Garcia

Fort Worth


No More (Corporate) Welfare

To the editor: I know that something has to be done as far as Medicare goes (“Cutting the Economy to Ribbons,” May 11, 2011), but the measures that Republican legislators are considering border on the criminal. Here’s one unique thought. How about diverting all the corporate welfare that’s poured into the feeding trough from Washington and use it to save Medicare and Medicaid? The $8 billion in yearly taxpayer handouts to Big Oil would be a good starting point. Republicans on the Hill, however, seem to feel that would be un-American. It’s much more important to keep the big money campaign contributors and their lobbyists happy than it is to save our elderly and needy. All the 30-second sound bites in the world don’t make up for the vote you cast, Mr. or Ms. Representative and Senator. If you truly want to stand up for America, please put partisan politics aside and find a solution. It can be done, but both parties need to reach out and act as Americans, not party-line hacks.

I challenge you to be better than what our legislators have been. Remember, only you can save us from ruin. Are you listening as our great country drowns in indecision, political partisanship, and corporate greed? Where is Mr. Smith in Washington? We need you to be better; the choice is yours.

Gerald Parker


No Common Sense from the Commission

To the editor: I’m so pleased we have a publication like Fort Worth Weekly that delivers the news on real-time events with the facts to back it up. “Restating the Obvious” by Peter Gorman (May 11, 2011) illuminates the problems posed by granting waivers to gas companies that are contaminating water wells, rivers, and the people’s general health and harming animals.

The Texas Railroad Commission ignores common sense and lets these companies march down the road with impunity — just throw money down the path and you can purchase favorable rulings by the courts on this perennial carousel of greed.

The legislature could do more to help the public, but some of those serving in it are owned lock, stock, and barrel by the oil and gas industry. It’s a catch-22, simply put.

Sharon Ream

Fort Worth