Tarrant County tax assessor-collector Betsy Price might have assessed and collected her last taxes – she appears on the verge of being replaced.

The Tarrant County Commissioners Court will gather at a special-called meeting at 6 p.m. Friday to consider the appointment of a new assessor-collector.

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Price announced her resignation months ago so she could run for Fort Worth mayor. A replacement has yet to be named, even after Price voluntarily gave up her $129,000 annual salary to avoid an appearance of a conflict of interest.

If Price is elected as mayor, she’ll earn $100,000 less than she did with the county — but she’ll get to cut more ribbons, break more ground, kiss more babies, and get to sit in the center chair on the city council dais. Woo hoo!


  1. Betsy Price is a politician who has already sold out to the gas drilling industry. Along with that she owes many political favors to other politicians for their endorsement. Of course most of those endorsements are from someone who doesn’t live in Fort Worth. Remember Tommy Lee Jones.

    If anyone wants Fort Worth to continue on the downward path it has been on in recent years with backdoor deals and unethical behavior then vote accordingly.

    We don’t need another politician who has already been bought by special interests. We have had that and I for one don’t like what I see.

    Fort Worth needs an individual who will represent the neighborhoods and businesses that benefit the Fort Worth residents.

    Fort Worth needs someone who will stop the wasteful spending and raising fees on everything from water to trash and then tell us he votes against raising taxes, even though he does.

  2. Betsy did a great job for the county, cutting waste and saving millions of tax dollars. We need this kind of financial belt-tightening at City Hall.

    I also like that her campaign has been very positive while a couple of her opponents seem so angry and critical of our great city. Their type of leadership may be welcome in Dallas, but not in Fort Worth.

  3. Joe

    Wake up and look at Fort Worth to see what is happening. Unethical conduct by City leaders, backdoor deals and selling out to whoever will contribute to their campaign.

    There is a lot to be critical of in Fort Worth. The Council can continue doing what Fort Worth always does, pat each other on the back and say how wonderful they and the Staff are doing, while the City goes down the toilet. Is that what you really want to continue?

    Betsy didn’t do the budget for the County. The county Commissioners do that. Maybe your thinking of someone else, but don’t give credit to Betsy Price when that is not her job and she didn’t do it.