D. Anson Brody, The Skeeves, Dru B Shinin’, Sloan Automatic, Human Groove Hormone, My Wooden Leg, and The Whiskey Prophets are just a few of the mostly Fort Worth-based artists whose music will be appearing on a compilation CD produced by the Fort Worth Music Co-Op. They’ll also be performing at the CD release party on Fri., Apr. 1, at Lola’s Saloon (2736 W. 6th St., 817-877-0666). The price of the $10 cover charge includes a copy of the CD. Doors open at 8 p.m.


Patrick Optical 300x250




  1. Also appearing on the comp will be Albatross, The Cush, The Dirty Dandies, Eaton Lake Tonics, Endless Sky, The Flu, Great American Novel, Gringo Kings, Loda Dimes, The Local Foreigners, The Matthew Show, Brandi Nicole, Perdition, Matt Skates, Sloan Automatic, Trinity Dogs, and Luke Wade.

  2. The lineup is:

    9-9:30 D Anson Brody

    9:40-10:10 The Skeeves

    10:20-10:50 Dru B Shinin

    11-11:30 Sloan Automatic

    11:40-12:10 My Wooden Leg

    12:20-12:50 Human Groove Hormone

    1am-1:30 Whiskey Prophets

  3. This is going to be an awesome event! Alot of up and coming future stars in this line up..My Wooden Leg, Luke Wade,The Cush?? Yes please! We will be there in full effect..