
The new receptionist at Fort Worth Weekly is Kohlby. There’s a reason she’s looking at the  camera that way (read to the end).

If you pop into the office to grab a paper, place an ad, or whatever, Kohlby is the one who’ll most likely greet you when you walk through the door.

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I did a little Q&A to see what makes her tick.

What is your receptionist philosophy?

“I have no idea.”

What do you say to people when they come through the door?

“How are you?”

Fascinating stuff.

Kohlby recently moved to Fort Worth from Connecticut. Her office assistant job in Connecticut required her to wear pants suits and heels. The Weekly, as you might imagine, is looser.

“I like how chill everybody is,” she said. “It’s exactly what I wanted in a job. I wanted to be like Pam from The Office. This is totally like that place.”

For the photo, I asked Kohlby to give me her best “Pam” look.