Listening to KXT the other day, I heard, in order, The Who, Rod Stewart, The Monkees, and then … The Orbans? “OK,” I thought. “KXT is admitting that its donors are mostly Baby Boomers or the children of Boomers and is throwing them not A bone but multiple bones. Fine.” KXT also realizes that Boomers have disposable income and is trying to draw them away from 92.5 and Jack FM. In addition, by playing a Fort Worth band, KXT programmers know they have to distinguish their station from, well, local-music-allergic 92.5 and Jack FM and are throwing a bone to hipsters, who have vocally if not financially supported KXT since Day One.


On one hand, I understand KXT’s pandering to Boomers. You’ve got to keep the lights on. And I like that KXT is mixing in new, local music among the stuff we’ve all heard nine zillion times before and, honestly, could go years without hearing again and not be the poorer. Which brings up the proverbial other hand. “I’m Free,” “You Wear it Well,” and “Pleasant Valley Sunday” can effectively be heard on three other spots on the North Texas dial: 92.5, Jack FM, and K-Luv. There’s absolutely no reason why instead of playing songs that we’ve all heard nine zillion times before KXT isn’t spinning deep cuts, saying to Boomers, You can have your Hot Rod and your Who and your Monkees, but you’re gonna hear their B-sides or equally obscure cuts that are still –– still –– choice, as choice as your favorite classic-rockers’ hits. For fans of particular classic-rock bands, a deep cut is a total treat –– there’s just something about hearing one of your favorite obscure songs in the world get some airplay, validating your taste in a way, lending credence to your musical predilections.

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Hopefully, KXT’s new music director –– the job is open –– will be a pop connoisseur, as familiar with The Who and Pink Floyd as with The Burning Hotels and The Orbans.


P.S. KXT’s website has a cool new feature: streaming upcoming albums from North Texas artists. Streaming now through Tue., Jan. 25, is Denton band Seryn’s This is Where We Are. On tap are new albums from The O’s and The Hope Trust. No Fort Worth artists are on the docket yet. We shall see.




  1. Stop the baby boomer hate and stop looking a gift horse in the mouth. KXT has the best variety and most obscure programming available on commercial Metroplex FM. What other station plays Robert Johnson followed by Robyn Hitchcock? As long as they maintain variety, which is something no other local station can claim, I will listen…even if they throw in some dreaded Britney Spears.

  2. If you’ve been listening this month you haven’t heard any Robert Johnson or Robyn Hitchcock, just a lot of tired classic rock.

    Another reason to hate the baby boomers– ruining the best radio station in the Metroplex.