Though the Rivercrest Yacht Club has taken a break from performing, the hip-hop quintet has been writing new material and will be shooting a video to the song “Hustle and Grind” on Saturday starting at noon in Southwest Fort Worth. Extras are needed. The setting: a lame party populated mostly by nerdy types. Enter: the Yacht Clubbers, who aren’t alone –– out of the trunk of their ’95 Hyundai pop some hot go-go dancers, who commence shaking their butts to the Yacht Club’s dope-ass rhymes and beats, turning the party out and inspiring the nerds to break out of their shells and get busy on the dancefloor with the hotties. “Nerds are scared of hot girls,” MC Generic said, “unless there is a Yacht Club buffer.” For extras, the Yacht Club prefers non-felons and non-kleptomaniacs.


If you’re interested in participating, contact the band at Payment, according to Generic, will be in “fond memories.”





  1. i was gonna go until i saw you needed nerdy types. i’m afflicted with terminal coolness. sorry. but good luck on the video, my nizzles.