Illinois is considering increasing its income tax by 66 percent in a desperate attempt to fix its budget.
The move is expected to raise about $7 billion annually.
Texans would storm the state capitol if anything like that happened under Gov. Rick Perry’s watch. Around these parts, politicians hide tax increases more cleverly in the form of tolls and assorted fees.
But when it comes to balancing a huge budget deficit, such as the $27 billion shortfall faced by Texans , we do it on the backs of the poor. We slice and we dice.
We cut food stamps, Medicaid, health care. We yank blankets off of babies if we have to. I say “we” because voters elect the lawmakers who do it time and time again.
The problem is, Texas already ranks at or near the bottom of the heap nationally when it comes to providing human services.
What’s left to cut?

Business Insider is calling us “America’s Ireland.” That’s not a compliment. Then again, who’s Business Insider? Never heard of ’em.
Our fearless leader, Perry, put everyone at ease yesterday when he said, “The good news is that the sky has not fallen yet.”
Sounded pretty good up until the “yet” part.
I have no idea how a peckerhead like Perry got re-elected. He lied to the voters from day one about Texas being debt free. I guess it was just another case where voters cast their vote for “THE LESSOR OF TWO EVILS”.
When are we going to get strong, independent and honest politicians in the USA?
Get rid of Medicaid, Medicare & Social Security. Stop stealing from those who work & giving it to those who don’t. Stop stealing from one generation & giving to another. Rick Perry & the governors who have the guts to stand up & say enough of these Bernie Madoffesque ponzi-schemes should be commended.