Blotch told you about Chris Martin’s guitar making its way to the Adobe Picture Framing in the Stockyards a few weeks back.

Well, here’s the finished product:


Arts Foward 300 x 250

Framing a Gibson acoustic guitar in a shadow box ain’t exactly easy, framer Joel Lively said.  Maintaining the integrity of the wood on the Gibson guitar was crucial. He used a combination of Velcro and wire to attach the handpainted Gibson Blues King  securely to the backboard. Then he accented the display with photos of Martin performing in concert with the guitar. A certificate of authenticity signed by the band is also showcased.

Check out the detailed engraving on the frame. He bordered it with musical notes that he cut from a book, glued to a fillet, and then attached to the frame.


“I enjoy these challenging projects,” Lively said. “You can only do so many diplomas and photographs before you want to blow your brains out, and it’s projects like this that keep me in this business. I’m honored that they would leave the design up to me.”


  1. Gosh, the craftsmanship is wonderful! Every detail makes you want to look closer. An amazing opportunity, placed in very capable hands. I know that piece will be admired for many years to come!

  2. This is now an awesome piece of art and is something I would expect to see in a museum or at the Hardrock Casino in Biloxi, MS. A wonderful treasure find, tastefully displayed. Outside of the content, I especially liked the music notes within the frame. Joel Lively did a wonderful job with this piece of art. Congratulations with this innovative creation of art and preservation of music history.