The Fort Worth Music Co-Op recently invited rapper Dru B Shinin to host a hip-hop night at The Cellar (2916 W. Berry St. by TCU, 817-923-6116). The first event happened last week, and, according to Weekly writer Caroline Collier and local rapper Alan Royal, it was a success. Dru and his crew aren’t the only hip-hoppers at work in town, however. Six2, the subject of a Weekly cover story several years ago, is back after a long hiatus, and there’s always Smooth Vega and his homies. Along with Royal South, Immortal Soldierz, Lil’ Casiron, King Corleone, and others, Vega recently put together “I’m a 81G,” subtitled “the official Fort Worth anthem.” In pretty much every local rap song/video, there’s a huge amount of hometown pride. No word yet on the next hip-hop night at The Cellar.


Sundance Square Black History- rectangle corrected





  1. thanks to everybody at the fort worth weeky for showing love to us! what up anthony, caroline, eric. fort worth is full of good rappers….if any rappers wanna come rock at the cellar hit me at @drubshinin on twitter.

