You’d think two National Football League teams, a massive ESPN crew,  hundreds of thousands of fans and revelers, global media scrutiny, and all the various bookies, prostitutes, drug dealers, con artists, and assorted riffraff that typically attend Super Bowl festivities each year would be enough to keep us busy.


Nonsense! We’ve got plenty of time to spare for for unveiling the Cradle of Champions monument that week as well.



A steel monument honoring Texas high school football players who made it to the NFL will be unveiled in Sundance Square in the week leading up to the big game (see artist’s rendition above).

The city of Fort Worth and Gerdau Ameristeel, one of the leading recyclers of steel, are teaming up to recognize Texas’ historic legacy of high school football. Gerdau Ameristeel will melt and provide the metal parts for the monument, and Dallas-based Thornton Steel will assemble it.

Any Texas high school that boasts a former player who made it to the NFL is encouraged to register for the program, submit the names of the alumni, and send in a small piece of steel from the school to be recycled and become part of the monument.

There is no cost to the schools. To get involved, school representatives should go to this site. The deadline is Oct. 31.


The list of names on the monument will be extensive. Hundreds of former Texas high school athletes made it to the NFL, with some of my personal favorites being Don Meredith (Mount Vernon), Bob Lilly (Olney), Walt Garrison (Denton), Earl Campbell (Tyler),  and Fort Worth’s own Mike Renfro.


  1. Is that an oil-gas well propping up the Trans-Pecos region??? Who dreamed that up?

    Relatedly, I can’t wait to see which gas drillers buy TV commercials during the Super Bowl. I’m beside myself with anticipation.

  2. Looks very white trash and just downright stupid. I’m sure the cameras will zoom in on it so the whole country can see how modern Dallas is, and then how white trash Fort Worth is. I also hope those cameras get this town’s idea of public art: those eggbeaters slash metal xmas trees on Lancaster. What an embarrasing joke.