Anyone interested in our recent cover stories about the Tarrant County probate court’s powerful and sometimes heavy-handed role in guardianship issues  (“In Whose Best Interest?” Sept. 8, 2010, and “Rethinking Guardianship,” May 19, 2010) might want to check out this report from Fox 4 News reporter Lori Barager:


Back in 2008, I did my first story on guardianship issues, focusing on Kathie Seidel’s fight to hang on to her disabled daughter (“Saving Katia,” July 2, 2008.)

It’s good that other media outlets are spotlighting this matter.

A tight-knit network of judges, attorneys, professional social workers, banks, and nursing homes makes a formidable adversary for local families fighting to hang on to loved ones.


  1. Thank you, Jeff Prince, for your articles and insight into unlawful and abusive guardianships, and for shining a light into the darkness affecting a growing number of families nationwide.

    Readers, join the movement for reform! GRADE is working hard in Texas and NASGA is working hard nationally. Join both organizations – it’s going to take every one of us working hard to fix the broken system.

    Elaine Renoire

  2. Still can’t believe this cintinues to occur?! How can we stop this,perhaps the media is a good start. How can we get more checks and balances to keep our loved ones safe?

  3. Still can’t believe this continues to occur?! How can we stop this,perhaps the media is a good start. How can we get more checks and balances to keep our loved ones safe?

  4. I was prevented from seeing my father for 9 months. He was in memorycare facility Riverside Inn at Fossil creek in Ft. Worth. My father and stepmother had poa on each other.They were both patients , there. They gave my father 15 pills at breakfast, lunch , and dinner.. His wife who had worse dementia than him was given probiotic and blood thinner. On day one the stepmother signed everything over to her 65 yr. Old daughter. My sister and I visited when ever the stepdaughters and her mother said we could. Not very often. We my sister and I was told he was just fine June 4 2019. When we phoned wanting to see our father June 5 2019 no one even told us he was on hospice, We were told he died and we could view his body after not seeing him for 9 months. I drove out there with my sister as fast as I could to be told his body had already been pickedup.This has been a nightmare and I would like to do story on this to prevent anybody else from going thru this There’s alot more to the story. Also my father had his own private room and his own brother was heartbroken not being allowed to see him Poa can’t be surely some 91 yr old woman with dementia. Who her own 4 kids 60_ 78 years old was exploiting.. Her own children put her in another facility two months before Riverside Inn at Fossil creek and. refused to get her out. My father called me crying so my sister and I got her out.. Her own 4 children wouldn’nt take calls and wanted her to stay there My father was in Riverside Sept 22, 2017-June 5, 2019.