nd_2WED ? 1

There’s always a good time to think about the less fortunate, so Tarrant Area Food Bank marks the beginning of September with an open house that takes the public behind the scenes of this local charity. The event is 10:30am-2:30pm at 2600 Cullen St, FW. Admission is free, but you’ll have to make a reservation. Call 817-332-9177 ext. 110.

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THU ▪ 2

We entered the phrase “Erotic Hypnotic” into a search engine and got all kinds of things that weren’t related to Gary Conrad, the standup comic who also has a hypnosis act in which he makes audience members do sexy stuff like spanking and … yodeling? He’ll be doing a special show this evening in addition to his weekend gig at Hyena’s Arlington. The show is at 8pm at 2525 Arkansas Ln, Arlington. Tickets are $10-15 plus two-purchase minimum. Call 817-226-5233.


FRI ▪ 3

Hip Pocket Theatre’s new show promises to be its most intriguing production of the year. Circus Salome is an adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s take on the biblical story, only with a circus theme that makes Herod into a ringmaster and Salome into an aerialist. The show runs Sep 3-26 at 1950 Silver Creek Dr, FW. Tickets are $5-15. Call 817-246-9775.


nd_1SAT ▪ 4

Contrary to its name, the Bedford Labor Day Blues & BBQ Festival isn’t actually on Labor Day. It only runs two days, but it’ll be chock-full of blues artists like Robert Cray and Taj Mahal, and it’ll feature a high-stakes cook-off judged by the Kansas City Barbecue Society. Tasty! The event runs Fri-Sat at 1613 Hospital Pkwy, Bedford. Tickets are $5-10. Call 817-952-2128.


SUN ▪ 5

Like the Bedford Labor Day Blues festival, 8.0’s Labor Day Luau doesn’t run on Monday. It’s only on this evening, with a Hawaiian theme marking summer’s metaphorical end for the downtown venue. In addition to live music with Tommy-O & The Bamboo Boat Band, there’ll also be Hawaiian beers for your drinking pleasure. The event is at 5pm at 111 E 3rd St, FW. Admission is $2. Call 817-336-0880.


MON ▪ 6

The last football event of the week at Cowboys Stadium (see: sidebar) is the Kirk Herbstreit Varsity Football Series. Four games in different divisions will be contested by six Texas high school football teams plus one from Arkansas and another from Florida. The event runs 10:30am-9:30pm at 1 Legends Way, Arlington. Tickets are $10-20. Call 800-745-3000.


TUE ▪ 7

It must be fall, because Tuesday Evenings at the Modern returns with art historian Michael Corris giving a presentation entitled “NO FREE READING.” The lecture will discuss the use of text and image in contemporary art. The event is at 7pm at Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, 3200 Darnell St, FW. Admission is free. Call 817-738-9215.