By now you’ve probably seen the full-page ad, taken in out in various newspapers across Texas yesterday:


Whatever you think of our governor, his tactics, or politics in general, this thing sure is attention-grabbing. That’s what you want when you’re a relatively new PAC. The ad has set not only the state press talking but the national pundits as well.


I’m not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, the governor needed to be called out for his refusal to debate his Democratic opponent and for his generally high-handed attitude. Some strong language in this instance is probably warranted. On the other hand, there’s been this whole tiresome trend this election season about politicians calling themselves bigger men than their opponents. (Women candidates have been just as guilty of this as men, too.) Our political discourse is already screwed up so much, I don’t see how getting out rulers and measuring everybody’s manhood is going to improve things.

Still, it’ll be interesting to see what Perry does. So far, there hasn’t been any response from the governor.