In the Fort Worth schools’ investigation of alleged wrongdoings at Arlington Heights High School that is reported in this week’s paper, “Powder Keg,” the school district has just announced that former Heights principal Neta Alexander, who was transferred to the same post at Paschal in June, and assistant superintendent Chuck Boyd have both been put on administrative leave “pending the outcome of the investigation” and “in the best interest of the district.”

Both are key players in the story of attendance fraud and other alleged wrongdoings including the improper use of booster club funds by employees of the district.

Terri Mossige has been assigned to take over the principal’s post at Paschal; she is currently the head of the newly established Texas Academy of Biomedical Sciences which will be opened on the Stripling Middle School campus this fall.

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“This investigation is continuing in a diligent and unbiased manner,” said Superintendent Melody Johnson. [It] has been drawn out because during the summer months personnel are off contract and on vacation. As in any investigation, it is incumbent upon the District to ensure that conclusions are not based on allegations but on proven facts, particularly when the lives and careers of people lie in the balance.

“As superintendent, I only request that public judgments be withheld prior to the completion of all investigations of the facts and allow due process to prevail for all individuals involved,” Johnson said. However, the statement also says, “As of this writing, we have found no evidence that children absent from school were listed as present. Additionally, there are factual errors and unsubstantiated allegations in recent news accounts about this investigation.”

The district does not specify what is factually in error or what allegations are “unsubstantiated.”


  1. The Superintendent’s response is expected. She thinks she is TEPHLON with protection from WESTSIDE/TCU MAFIA.There is more to break on this story as the retaliation continues in Office of Professional Services and more teachers who have left the district for retaliation will be presenting damming information to TEA, This isn’t a one year story as this has been going on since MJ arrived. Just look at all the SNAFUS in the district from teacher pay forward. This Board will be forced to vote NO CONFIDENCE….Judy Needham’s influence aside. When there is this much corruption at the top this community cannot look the other way. These are your tax dollars at stake.