To the editor: Justine Sharrock, in “Keyboard Commandos” (June 30, 2010), gave us all a closer look at the workings of radical and militia groups and others intent on usurping the government. A coup d’etat is a better word for what they want.

Technology is enabling them to recruit and spread their venom. Simple logic reveals that their propaganda is being offered in order to get attention. Their rhetoric may be inflammatory, but for most of us it goes in one ear and out the other.

If only the energy they put into their hate were channeled in another direction, their talents for communication and organization would be beneficial. If you want to change the country, then vote in the candidates who have demonstrated their ability to deliver on that promise rather than just being puppets for special interest groups. The old adage applies — lead, follow, or get out of the way.


Ricky Orton II

Fort Worth


A Pearl of a Story

To the editor: The Weekly’s July 21 cover story, “The Pearl of Dorothy Lane,” was superbly written by Juliet George, who included history, legend, and a full cast of characters to make this unique complex come alive. Clearly, these apartments still hold the charms of yesteryear.

I believe it would add even more flavor to the Dorothy Lane Courts’ fame if its owners decide to create a George Carlin Memorial Park in honor of that famous former tenant, who posthumously won the Kennedy Center’s Mark Twain Prize.

It seems that Peter and Ann Stahl have been not only excellent caretakers of the property but also keepers of its history, making the Dorothy Lane quite an attraction. Without them, this unique part of Fort Worth’s past could have fallen victim to some developer with a bulldozer.

Viva la Dorothy Lane!

Delores Russel

Fort Worth


To the editor: ‘The Pearl of Dorothy Lane” is wonderful reading.  While refreshing (or creating) our knowledge of an interesting small corner of the city, Juliet George introduces personalities who have and continue to compose the life and spirit of our hometown. Give us more!

Dalton Hoffman

Fort Worth


Utah Helps Put a Pistol in Your Boot

To the editor: Political writer Dave McNeely (“Guns, Government, and Elvis) has provided us with information on how to less expensively obtain a concealed handgun license — just get it from Utah! It seems that this is perfectly legitimate because that state has what you might call concealed reciprocity with Texas.

In Texas, a concealed handgun license costs $140; in Utah, it’s a little more than $65. And as long as a licensed instructor will certify you’re familiar with a handgun, you don’t even have to go to a shooting range to prove you can fire a gun. Why can’t we follow Utah’s lead?

Donald Maskell

Fort Worth



On page 15 of the last week’s issue, one person was misidentified in a photo cutline that ran with the cover story (“The Pearl of Dorothy Lane”). In the photo of three people standing in front of an advertising sign, the woman, at left, is Pearl Slaughter. Fort Worth Weekly regrets the error.