To the editor: I feel compelled to write to you on behalf of the parents whose parental rights have been removed (“Rethinking Guardianship,” May 19, 2010). A dear friend of mine is one such parent. There is an extreme need for these parents to be heard and for politics to be taken out of the equation. Parents have worked tirelessly to get heartbreaking decisions reversed so that the children can return to loving relationships with them. We know that there are cases in which false reports by investigators have even led to adult children not being able to have contact with parents.

The horrific conditions in state facilities have been recognized for a long time. Those who live there suffer immeasurably at the hands of abusive, inadequately trained, so-called caretakers.

There are few things more heart-wrenching than knowing that one cannot have contact with a family member who is dearly loved. For many of these folks, it is a life-changing experience that weighs heavily on them and makes it nearly impossible for them to function. As a mother and an educator, it is beyond my comprehension how anyone with a conscience could judge on the side of what is best for their careers as opposed to what is best for a child or adult who has no control in the matter of being taken from their parent. Experts in the field of child development know the powerful effect on children of not being able to have contact with their families.


Why can’t something be done to change this? We who care deeply for our friends in these terrible situations hope that this will get policies changed so these families can return to normal.

Johnelle Leutsch



Uplifting Melody

To the editor: I have nothing but the highest regard for the administration of Fort Worth schools superintendent Melody Johnson (“Upsetting the Apple Cart,” April 21, 2010). As a recently retired 20-year teacher in the district, I can assure you she is a breath of fresh air compared to the vile administration of her predecessor, Thomas Tocco — one of the most incompetent humans to ever run a school district. Former school board President Gary Manning worshipped the ground Tocco walked on and allowed him full rein to squander many millions of dollars on worthless educational programs that enriched the pockets of Tocco’s cronies.

The payroll fiasco is but a minor glitch in Dr. Johnson’s leadership of the district.  The children, parents, and teachers are in good hands with this remarkably excellent administrator.

Carly Fitzgibbons

Fort Worth


Scary Shell Games

To the editor: Dan McGraw’s superlative writing really raises eyebrows and the hair on one’s back in his story “Streetcar Shell Game,” (May 5, 2010). This semi-exposé should serve as the ultimate warning that the leader of our pack, Mayor Moncrief, and his council-member cronies are usurping federal dollars intended for streetcars and rerouting them to projects of their choosing. The council couldn’t get grant monies for these other projects, so they lobbied for a project that would get funded (streetcar systems), then felt free to misappropriate the money and move it to their specific pet projects.

We need to vote all recreant incumbents out of office who lie, cheat, and have lost their credibility and integrity in serving their constituents.

Yvonne Roth

Fort Worth

Due Process for All

To the editor: The May 12 Metropolis story (“Bruce Rogers’ treatment in jail: Rushed or Right?”) by Peter Gorman is an example of overzealous authorities’ attempts to “get their man” based merely on a tip that subsequently jailed someone without benefit of counsel.

Had Rogers been an illegal alien charged with murder, the Mexican consulate would have been immediately notified and Rogers given proper Miranda rights — and an attorney.

The police ought to arrest the “informant” whose tip led to Rogers’ arrest and charge that person with supplying false information, not to mention the time, effort, and cost to the county to process Rogers at the taxpayers’ expense. Rogers has a criminal record, but he still deserved due process of law and his constitutional right to counsel.

Seneca Maskell

Richland Hills