Casey James dodged a bullet last night, which can happen when you hail from a state where the governor packs a .380 Ruger handgun loaded with hollow points as protection against snakes (and the occasional coyote).

Really? Hollow points? .380? For snakes?

A little .22 mag loaded with snakeshot would be smaller, lighter, and more efficient, especially when jogging.

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Anyhoo, the guv’s weapon of choice isn’t the point of this post.

The point is: How did Fort Worth’s Casey James fall to the Bottom Two in last night’s American Idol competition?

He nailed his Shania Twain song this week and earned unanimous praise from the judges. He’s the most musically talented among the contestants. He looks like a star. And he’s from Texas, by gawd!

What we need is a young woman with time on her hands, poetry in her heart, a laptop, and a desire to dig deep, analyze, exhume, probe, and generally shine her journalistic light into the obvious injustice America is witnessing as James fights for his Idol life!

Oh here’s one now: Under the headline, “What Is Casey James Doing Wrong?” entertainment blogger Victoria Leigh Miller surmises the cougar judges drooling over James early in the show might have created a backlash among some fans.


  1. Casey needs votes big time come on Texas. I still am not convinced he was an actual Bottom 3 after that performance. “Don’t!” could be a huge hit on the radio right now. Best song of the season. My plea is to all you readers to help out your fellow Texan and VOTE like mad next Tuesday.

  2. Please vote for Casey , he has such tremendous Talent… we are voting like crazy for him here in Oregon…everyone I’ve turned on to him is mesmerized if his songs Jealous Guy and Dont were on the radio right now he would be Platinum…Don’t let him GO

  3. VoteForTheWorst.Com tells people to vote for the crappiest singer to keep them around and skew the results. According to that site, Big Mike is the worst:
    This explains why that cheeseball is still around and Casey James is on the bubble. Big Mike should have been gone weeks ago. Vote Casey!

  4. I am voting for Casey Every week. He is my pick to win the entire competition. I love him and I love everything he has been singing. Keep it up CASEY

  5. Okay, Texas voters! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? I’m a Missouri gal who thought Casey was amazing since “Heaven.” And, I’m voting my fingers to the bone on 2 phones every Tuesday evening. I was sure, after Tim was eliminated, that the Texans would come together and support this immensely talented guy who is getting the short end of the stick from the Idol Judges who seem to take his terrific talent for granted! They continually blast Casey for sounding the same, but never say a word to Crystal (who I also like but won’t vote for), who also always sounds the same. He’s a blues rocker not a pop star, so we have to vote vote vote! Please TX, cast your votes for Casey next week!

  6. I love Casey and vote for him every week. No one else has the complete package. No one is going to pay to see or hear from a little boy like Aaron or a ham like Mike. Crystal and Lee look too odd. Come on Texas! Support your guy!

  7. I suspect that his fan base aren’t pick up the phone types. I never voted before
    Casey….Just like Jennifer Hudson–he’ll make it either way. LOVE him and can’t wait for a concert:)

  8. This New Yorker will be voting BIG TIME every week for Casey. I’m going to raise the number of votes I put in for him since he should not have been in the bottom 3. He’s the best. Would definitely go to a Casey James concert and buy his CD. He has a great attitude and the guitar playing is fantastic! Good luck to Casey!!!!!

  9. I’m in LA and voting for solid two hours for Casey — where’s the love from his home state? The judges are trying to convince us that Lee can sing in tune (which he can’t) and that Crystal isn’t a Janis Joplin retread (which she is), while missing the biggest talent on stage. Vote for Casey!!