A forum for candidates running in one of the hottest Fort Worth ISD board races in recent memory will be held this Thursday, April 29, at the Wedgewood Baptist Church, Rm 130-B from 6 until 7:30 pm.        

The church is located at 5222 Whitman Ave just south of I-20 near McCart Ave. It is directly across the street from Bruce Shulkey Elementary School whose PTA is hosting the event.

Candidates agreeing to participate so far include challenger Ann Sutherland and incumbent Chris Hatch from District 6 and Linda LaBeau  who is challenging Judy Needham for the District 5 seat. Following the formal part of the forum, the candidates will field questions from the audience.


Everything from school financing to test scores to discipline to children’s health will be up for discussion — along with how well the current board has done in addressing these issues. Plus any other concerns parents or others want to air grievances about. It will be the only opportunity to hear these folks in person before the election on May 8. Early voting started April 26.