Former Kimbell Museum Director Edmund P. “Ted” Pillsbury apparently committed suicide, according to a Dallas Morning News article that went up on the paper’s web site today.

Kaufman County Sheriff David Byrnes refused to release the incident report — a public document — after Pillsbury was found dead in or near his car near Interstate 20 east of Dallas on March 25.

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Fort Worth Weekly submitted a public information request for the incident report last week but has not yet been given a copy by the sheriff.

However, Morning News reporter Karel Holloway reports today that the incident report lists suicide as cause of death. Holloway received further confirmation of the suicide from Pillsbury’s relatives through a third party.

No details of his death were given.

The Kaufman County Sheriff’s Department did not return calls from Fort Worth Weekly today. In fact, that department’s public information officer has not returned calls to the Weekly ever since this March 30 Blotch post went up lightly criticizing the sheriff’s handling of the investigation.

A couple of Pillsbury’s Fort Worth friends were at the well-attended funeral service in Dallas last Thursday. Prominent Fort Worth businessman Sid Bass delivered a eulogy. Real Estate developer Ed Bass and piano prodigy Van Cliburn attended the funeral as well.