Running in the 2nd Annual St. Patrick’s Day-5K Festival at noon this Saturday would make my heart very sad.

Why? Because I smoke like a chimney and eat like a Viking. I get winded just running numbers through my head.

However, my heart will also feel very happy at the 5K festival because local high school students will be recognized for winning scholarships. Winners were picked on academic achievement, life experience, individual need, and desire to succeed.

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The nonprofit Impossible Possibilities is awarding these five students with $1,500 college scholarships.

Morgan Bruton, Lamar High School (Texas A&M at College Station)

Mitongu Kabasele, Green B. Trimble Technical High School (University of Texas at Austin)

Shannon Page, Oscar Dean Wyatt High School (Texas Woman’s University in Denton)

Ramandeep Singh, Green B. Trimble Technical High School (University of Texas at Arlington)

Steven Stults, Haltom High School (Texas Christian University)

The festival features a 5K run/walk, 1-mile kids’ race, live music, kid zone, sponsor expo, food and beverages. The festival runs from noon. to 5 p.m. at Trinity Park, 2401 University Dr., Fort Worth.

Here’s a clip from last year’s festival: