Tonight’s city council meeting ought to be explosive, although that’s probably a poor choice of words when discussing natural gas drilling in Fort Worth.

The city council likes to look proactive when problem arise with gas drilling, and so they’ve decided to study air quality near drilling sites.

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Independent tests show high levels of airborne toxins near drilling sites in surrounding counties.

In Fort Worth, however, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality testing showed no problems. Some people don’t trust that agency and they question its ties to the drilling industry.

City council members are creating a committee to study the issue further. But some residents don’t like the committee’s composition. It looks to them like city council members are trying to form a group most likely to supply whatever answers the city desires.

It’s not unprecedented. Several years ago, the city council created a task force to recommend gas drilling ordinances, and the task force looked like a who’s who of energy executives.

The North Central Texas Communities Alliance is letting the city council know how it feels tonight. Sounds potentially explo…er…entertaining.