As first reported here, recent cover-story subjects Telegraph Canyon will be playing an officially sanctioned showcase at SXSW, though the band’s slot has not yet been confirmed. What we do know, however, is that Telegraph is slated to perform a non-sanctioned showcase in the afternoon of Fri., March 19, as part of a day party presented by Austin-based Ramble Creek recording studio. Joining Telegraph on the bill will be another artist from Fort Worth (but who now lives in Austin), alt-country/roots-rock singer-songwriter Collin Herring, whose follow-up to the nearly perfect Past Life Crashing, the Will Johnson of Centro-matic-produced Ocho, is a gorgeous, moody slice of melancholy and resignation.

As of now, the only other Fort Worth-related act scheduled to play a sanctioned South-by showcase is Fort Worth/Austin’s Best Fwends, who will be doing their crazy alt-punk-folk thing at Latitude 30 on Sat., March 20.

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The SXSW film festival gets going earlier in the week, and at 8 p.m. on Tue., March 16, Fort Worth/Austin’s The Frontier Brothers will be playing at Chupacabra Cantina. RSVPs are strongly recommended.

Also on Tuesday, Cleburne’s Fungi Girls will be playing at 1907 Rio Grande St., the first of several shows planned by the Girls throughout the weekend.

Again on Tuesday, Doni Blair of Fort Worth’s The Toadies will play in a band called The Mag Seven as part of a huge showcase at Red 7 that also features several Dallas and Denton and/or Dallas- and Denton-connected acts, including Broken Gold (via The Riverboat Gamblers), Saboteur (via Red Animal War), The Missfits (via Darlington and Slowride), and True Widow.