Alert readers have noticed something strange – the current covers of Fort Worth Weekly and Fort Worth, Texas magazine look almost identical. Both publications feature cover stories on the TCU football team’s magical year.

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However, there’s a big difference. Our cover photo was taken this freaking year and features this year’s undefeated team.


The photo on their cover features last year’s team, which is odd considering the cover’s subhead — “Horned Frog Football Of Yesterday And Today.”


A more accurate headline might be “Horned Frog Football Of Yesterday And Last Year.”

The story by Dan Jenkins discusses TCU’s first national championship team and the current team. But last year’s team appears to be pictured on their cover. You can see the back of Robert Henson’s jersey, and Henson is now a Washington Redskins rookie. Remember, he’s the one who caused an uproar earlier this year by calling Redskins fans “dimwits.”

Also, pictured on their magazine cover is No. 39, which appears to be Jason Phillips, now a rookie with the Baltimore Ravens.


  1. What does Dan Jenkins really know about the TCU championships in ’35 and ’38? He was only a child at the time. Did he explain all this in some of his books that appeal to semi-literate morons?

    I know this is off the wall, but I’m curious how Jenkins was able to avoid fighting for America in Korea. Men back then generally didn’t avoid their obligation to country like Jenkins apparently did. My dad joined the reserves to avoid Korea although he did see 2 years of combat in WW2 and graduated from TCU in 1950.

  2. Where are you from Shake N Bake? Olka-flipping-homa? Dan Jenkins is/was the official historian for the College Football Hall of Fame.

    It sounds like your dad tried his best to avoid his public duty and got lucky. Most of the Korean War was fought by National Guard and Reserves.


  3. Way to go Hal Brown. I can’t believe that this issue of Fort Worth Magazine wasn’t Top Docs, Top Lawyers, Top Schools or Dream Homes like normal. At least you mixed in something different. But last year’s TCU Team photo? C’mon man!