Indian Casino Records is forging ahead with new releases, even though the Seattle-based label with strong Fort Worth ties has been punched in the gut by the depressed, borderline angry economy. “Still swimmin’ in the red but looking ahead,” said Casino honcho, sole employee, and Seattlean-via-Haltom City John Frum, whose label was the subject of a Weekly cover story several months ago. On tap for February is The Return of HellDamnCrap, a compilation CD referencing another Fort Worth indie label but one that’s long defunct. More than a dozen bands –– most from the 817 –– are contributing tracks, including Drug Mountain; PFFFFT!; The Me-Thinks; Eyes, Wings, and Many Other Things; Rapid Chair; One-Fingered Fist; Andy Gassaway (a.k.a. Jimmy Andrews); Transient Songs; Shotgun Messenger; Gordo’s Birthday; Napoleon Complex; Vorvon; and Mr. Houston’s Project. There’s room for two more tracks, Frum says. If you’re in a band and are interested in contributing, contact Frum at

Here’s the video for Eyes, Wings, and Many Other Things’ “Sled Dogs’ Annual Revenge” off the Fort Worth band’s 2008 album Tonsils, Toes, and Everyone Knows on Indian Casino.

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