To the editor: I’ve been reading the Weekly for probably 10 years. I know I can get more accurate reporting from the likes of Dan McGraw, Jeff Prince, and Betty Brink than I can from the Fort Worth daily paper. But I don’t understand why Static loves to hate Arlington (Sept. 16, 2009).

Static recently wrote about Arlington school superintendent McCullough’s decision not to air President Obama’s speech to schools. As a result of that, the Rev. Kyev Tatum decided to join up with LULAC and try to force the Arlington school board to change to single-member districts. Fine. Arlington has seen the Rev. Tatum try to butt into city business before. His press conferences and speeches have largely gone unnoticed. Some may think he’s a mover and shaker in Fort Worth, but Arlington isn’t impressed.

Now to the meat of my complaint: According to Static, Arlington “might as well write ‘poor people not wanted here’ on its city limits signs … .” Talk about a slight from out of the blue! How about this: Fort Worth should write on its city limits signs, “We hate gays.” Static should understand that kind of logic, right? I do not write under the blanket of anonymity.


Eric Pierce


Editor’s note: Static is the work of various staff and freelance writers. Editor Gayle Reaves, as always, takes responsibility for it.



Taser Truths

To the editor: The Weekly‘s recent Static column (“Tasers: Homicide Vehicles,” Sept. 2, 2009) was an accurate description of these lethal weapons. The “homicide by Taser” ruling by the medical examiner’s office in the death of Michael Jacobs should hoist the eyebrows of every state and federal legislator and prompt a moratorium against these weapons that are killing people.

The officer who administered the lethal 50,000 volts twice should not be wearing a police uniform. She did not protect and serve anyone other than her ego by holding the Taser on the defenseless Jacobs for 49 seconds, then for another five seconds.

Police shouldn’t have turned away the first medical responders on the scene. They could have assisted in an alternative capacity, possibly avoiding the Taser “solution.” Since the victim was mentally ill, he needed medical help, not to be tasered by a trigger-happy cop. Rubber bullets or pepper spray would have served on this occasion.

Rick Orton

Fort Worth


Reform Now

To the editor: At age 63, I am part of a group that is often neglected when it comes to healthcare (“Compassionate Paying,” July 15, 2009). Millions of 50- to 64-year-olds are uninsured today, and those numbers will undoubtedly increase significantly without healthcare reform. Half of those in our age group work for employers who don’t offer insurance, and many more lost our coverage when we lost our jobs. We’re the same group most likely to have a pre-existing condition, and insurance companies use that as an excuse to deny coverage. If we are lucky enough to get coverage, our premiums are typically three times higher, and we pay twice as much in out-of-pocket expenses as those who are covered through their jobs. Because of that, folks in our age group are more likely to avoid necessary medical care, leading to job absenteeism and higher healthcare costs when we reach the age of Medicare eligibility.

Maintaining the current healthcare system is tantamount to accepting this fate, that individuals, employers, and physicians are stuck with a system that does not meet our needs. Folks, we can’t afford to wait. Now is the time for reform.

Bob Cureton

Fort Worth

Addiction’s Toll

To the editor: E.R Bills’ article (“Oil To Dry Our Tears,” Sept. 23, 2009) was a great chronicle of our government’s greed and its subsequent cozying up to Gaddafi and his ilk, until we pick them clean as a Christmas goose of their gas and oil. The “collateral damage” to Mr. Bills’ uncle doesn’t register because oil and gas are the world’s piece de resistance, and the desire for it supersedes concerns about such deaths.

The “trade visit” to Libya by four U.S senators was just that – trading terrorists for oil. As Bills wrote, we’re addicted.

Kayla Compos

Fort Worth


Beefs with the Bests

To the editor: While I realize that the selections contained in the “Best of 2009” issue of Fort Worth Weekly are, by their very nature, highly subjective, I have to disagree with two of the critic’s choices.

The first is the naming of Pop’s Safari as the best place to get cigars in the area. Not to take anything away from Pop’s – it’s a great cigar lounge. But Tobacco Lane on the Square downtown has a much larger selection of cigars, including premier lines that are not available at other stores in the area, and better prices on most of the cigars. It’s also a fun place to gather at lunch or after work and solve the problems of the world with the group of regulars who hang out there.

I also have to disagree with both the critics and the readers with regard to the naming of Cheaper Than Dirt as the top gun store in the area. There are several stores that offer a greater depth of selection among firearms and several stores with lower prices. In fact, a lot of serious shooters I know are irritated by the way the store raised some of its ammunition prices during the recent shortage, beyond what comparable ammunition was selling for at other places.

I may not know the best place to buy a designer drink in town, but I do know guns and cigars.

J. Rex Barnett

Fort Worth


To the editor: Wow, I am amazed at how creative your “enlightened” staff is.  You call well-informed and concerned citizens “teabaggers.”  I never heard that one before!  Wait a minute, perhaps that phrase was coined by MSNBC, CBS, CNN (all of the usual left-wing “news” channels).  So it’s always those damned Republicans and conservatives who preach hate?

I do pick up Fort Worth Weekly as a good source for information on new places, music venues, restaurants, etc. I try very hard to skip the liberal bullshit from your editorial staff and 99 percent of the letters you allow to get through.  Alas, sometimes I find myself wandering to that section.  For instance, someone actually recommended those looking for new housing or loans contact ACORN.  Really? You don’t have to be a genius or watch recent events to understand the motivations behind that group, nor the fact that they received massive federal grants (that’s tax dollars that we working people pay).

Sorry, I digressed.  My point is that in your “best of” picks for 2009, somehow you couldn’t resist espousing your hatred for anyone who disagrees with your left-wing, liberal viewpoints in a section that otherwise was somewhat  interesting.

Isn’t it great to live in Fort Worth? Alas, it will change when enough illegal immigrants and more uneducated and uninformed people start voting.

I’m sure you guys still get that tingle up your leg when Obama speaks. For some strange reason, I get nauseated instead.  Be sure to keep us informed on the Rainbow Lounge raid situation, you actually do seem to do a fair job at that.

John Roberts

Fort Worth



In the “Best of 2009” issue (Sept. 30, 2009), an incorrect address was given for Esoterica Studios. The correct address is 941 Foch St. in Fort Worth. Fort Worth Weekly regrets the error.