Creed’s first album in eight years is coming out soon. I listened to the new single “Rain” and watched the new video “Overcome” and the first word that comes to mind is…yawn.

The band’s early stuff sounded pretty damn good back in the day but they became musically repetitive rather quickly. And maybe it’s just me but lead singer Scott Stapp is so full of himself he’s hard to watch. The band split in 2004, Stapp went solo, and that was the last I heard of any of them.

Now they’re back, Stapp’s hair is all shorn, a new album is on the way…but they still sound like this to me:

Carse 300x250


  1. Jesus wept.

    If I had a time machine, I’d go back in time, hunt down the great great great grandparents of all the members of Creed, and force them to listen to the music their descendants would some day unleash on an unsuspecting populace.

    The sheer banality of it, combined with them being staked to the ground with barbed wire and iron spikes, would have them begging me to stop their music from ever being created. Then I would kill these Creed ancestors, without malice. And they would be the last people to ever suffer because of Creed’s shitty music.

    Until I hunt down and kill the great great great great grandparents of the record executives who signed them, that is.

  2. ridiculous article. the last you heard of any of them? how about Alter Bridge? How about the scott stapp foundation that helped many people? They sound great and he is no more full of himself than any accomplished rock start. please. he’s very humbled now by their break in the fame, and their talent is intact and at it’s peak. Sorry you dislike them, but at least be fair when you write a review.

  3. i guess there are still people out there such as this editor who cannot let go of the past, and rely on such a weak mentality when it comes to music. people change in time, and it looks like stapp has undergone through that phase. excluding his old “typical rock star” personality, creed’s music is without a doubt some of the best that has ever been created. if u liked creed’s old stuff how can u possibly diss “overcome”?? great sound, sick guitar solo, whats the problem here? if you appreciate ROCK music, than your statement is hypocritical, and my guess is is just because its from creed, thats your reason to bash it.

    i am also curious to know if you even know who alter bridge is, which im sure you do since you seem to know about stapp’s solo career. alter bridge has arguably the best alt. rock singer and guitar player in the market, and if you have not listened to “blackbird” than …….wow.

    creed is back, with less class action, more class act.

  4. It never ceases to amaze me just how truly arrogant and small minded certain journalists are. I use the term “journalist’ loosely when referring to the lowly Jeff Prince. How about a balanced, fair review instead of rehashing the same tired drivel?

    As for many of the comments? Not worth even posting, much less reading. Can’t you people refrain from spewing out so much profanity and vulgarities? Disgusting! You show your blithering ignorance. If you have nothing better to say, then shut your mouth, please.

  5. Here’s a fair and balanced review….

    Despite being god awful, Creed was a sucessful rock band in the early 2000’s…
    After breaking up in ’04, Stapp went on to pursue his god awfol solo career. By this time, fans were no longer fooled and realized just how terrible Stapp’s music was.
    Now several years later, down on their luck, Creed has decided to get back together, release an album, and go on a tour.
    The album, which is pitiful, should do about as well as their tour, which is barely half filling the venues they are performing at.
    Catch them if you’re into this kind of crap with an equally terrible band in support, Staind.

    It’s hard to write a fair and balanced report about a piece of shit. I’m just sayin’….

  6. I don’t think Creed is nearly as bad as James Macfadzean indicates in his posts, or nearly as good as Julie and Danny seems to think. I really liked Creed’s first album way back when but over the years everything started to sound the same and then Scott Stapp started acting like he was the second coming of Christ and Jim Morrison rolled up into one. The band broke up at the right time and should have stayed broken up unless they had something new to say, which they don’t.

    Obama’s Seat: The embedded video above is a called a shred and isn’t real. A computer-minded, fun-loving geek took a Creed video and then overdubbed his own instrumentation and vocals to make them look like dorks. The Creed shred is one of the best I’ve seen and never fails to crack me up.

  7. Jackson is now in my favorite humans club.

    I’m not trying to disrespect their musicianship. The guys in creed, technically, are pretty ok. Even stapp’s vocals don’t suck.

    They just happen to write music that belongs nowhere but on a piece of toilet paper.

  8. Well… Creed was a good band, not amazing but have to give them credit… they were the first of a lot of crapy bands “postgrunge”… Dont’ now if people cannot stand talking about faith and human struggles… guess you people need a little more faith in whatever… What I mean is… why the hate… everywhere you talk about Creed there’s a lot of people talking bad about their music, and to be honest, the music and the lyrics are not that bad, actually, musically they’re far from the average alternative crap in last 20 years… yes, Nirvana isn’t that good too… but hell… the fans will enjoy the tour and the new album, and the rest could really die in their hate, doesn’t matter… and buy the way… 15 thousand persons on their first venue and you say “half sold venues…?” well… I’ll be happy the half of that… but… then… is my opinion…

  9. @JP

    You have restored my faith in humanity. I should have known – nothing could be *that* bad.

    Well, may Blue Cheer at the Fillmore East and their “wall of Marshalls”.

  10. @Jackson: Balanced view? HAHAHA you make me laugh! What’s balanced in your view? YOUR OPINION versus YOUR OPINION? You complete fool. You’re just another dim-minded Creed basher. Like the author of this article.

  11. @Jackson: And another thing. You call this new album pitiful? My word you must have access to some unreleased leaked content. Since only two songs has been released so far. Please send me the link will you?


  12. People or Bands that evoke a passionate reaction from people, either as hate or love are usually remembered in history as iconic legends.

  13. To bash creed cuz they’re creed is simply immature. If you dont like cause you simply dont like’em, just say so. Not your style. Period. If you do like, well good for you. Period. What’s the problem? You NEED everybody to like what you like? Grow up, move on.

  14. WOW!!!!! The Creed concert last night was the greatest! It’s webcast again free today until midnight. The opening act was so good that I didn’t know why Creed would book a band so popular today for their opening act on a coming out tour. Creed came out and blew everyone away! Whoever came up with this idea of broadcasting it free to the first 200,000 people that pre-registered and broadcasting it to the troops in Afghanistan was brilliant! Here’s the deal, 200,000 people is nothing compared to sold out concerts everywhere. This was the best advertising. Music critics from Los Angelos to New York and Hong Kong were watching the coming out concert on the internet. It will be written about in every paper across the world not just the Houston Chronicle in the city they performed. They have a CD coming out also. Look for it to start out at the top of the charts.
    Creed knew that they had only one chance to get it right worldwide and they rocked! Michael Jackson should have planned his coming out party like this.