Fort Worth will be part of a worldwide effort to perform the largest simultaneous dance. The song –– and the moves –– will be Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” Y’know. Clawed hands in the air going back and forth. Sliding necks. Thrusting pelvic regions. Arguably the biggest thing of Michael Jackson’s insanely big career.

Hangman’s House of Horrors (I-30 and Forest Park Blvd. on the West Side), the top charity-benefiting haunted house in the world, is hoping to attract 500 zombies for the Sat., Oct. 24, event. The dancing will begin at 7:30 p.m. To instruct participants on the moves –– and the finer points of looking like the brain-munching undead –– Hangman’s will be offering a series of tutorials starting on Tue., Sept. 29, from 6:30 ’til 9:30 p.m.

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The previous record was set last year, when a little more than 4,000 people from 10 nations participated.

The point? Not quite sure. Maybe just fun.