Another day, another fake apology.

Kanye West says (or, more accurately, blogs in all caps) that he is “SOOOOOO SORRY” about taking the microphone out of teenage pop singer Taylor Swift’s hand while she was accepting her first ever MTV Video Music Awards last night.

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West interrupted her speech to tell viewers that Beyonce should have won the award. Classy guy.

His blogged apology was so bogus he couldn’t help but add that Beyonce’s video “was the best of this decade” and “I gave my awards to Outkast when they deserved it over me.”

West must still be pissed off about the last time he appeared on television with a teen pop idol.

Back in March he performed as a musical guest on “American Idol” and was blown off the stage by Kelly Clarkson.

Beyonce, a good ol’ Houston gal, showed her true Texas raisings by inviting Swift back out on the stage to finish her speech later in the evening.


  1. Kelly Clarkson posted an open letter to Kanye West on her web site today that doesn’t mince any words:

    “Dear Kanye,

    What happened to you as a child?? Did you not get hugged enough?? Something must have happened to make you this way and I think we’re all just curious as to what would make a grown man go on national television and make a talented artist, let alone teenager, feel like shit. I mean, I’ve seen you do some pretty shitty things, but you just keep amazing me with your tactless, asshole ways. It’s absolutely fascinating how much I don’t like you. I like everyone. I even like my asshole ex that cheated on me over you…which is pretty odd since I don’t even personally know you. The best part of this evening is that you weren’t even up for THIS award and yet you still have a problem with the outcome. Is winning a moon man that much of a life goal?? You can have mine if it will shut you up. Is it that important, really??

    “I was actually nominated in the same category that Taylor won and I was excited for her…so why can’t you be?? I’m not even mad at you for being an asshole…I just pity you because you’re a sad human being.

    “On a side note, Beyonce has always been a class act and proved again tonight that she still is. Go TEXAS!!

    “Taylor Swift, you outsell him ….that’s why he’s bitter. You know I love your work! Keep it up girl!”

  2. He is surley a roll model for young blacks coming up in todays world. Along with Serena Williams and Michael Jordan. Then we ask ourselves what can we do???? I am amazed.

  3. No apolgy will suffice for this scumbag. What? Does he think just because he apologizes, he’s forgiven? Please, give me a break!! He’s just another peice of shit that keeps making the same stupid senseless decisions, thinking he’ll be let off the hook with an apology. It’s about time respectable people and everyone else rise up and banish these useless sccumbags form the notoriety they DON’T deserve. Kanye – you’re just another low life hoodlum with absolutely no talent who hasn’t earned any room whatsoever for forgiveness. Good riddance you peice of garbage!!!!