Another hour passes; another apology is issued.

This time the groveling comes from Arlington Superintendent Jerry McCullough for his handling of the Barack Obama speech to school kiddies.


I’m sick and tired of hearing people apologize for something they did or said. Seems like the main reason they apologize is because they get criticized for whatever it is they did or said.

But if you believe in what you say, don’t apologize for it later after you catch a little heat.

I like the old saying, “Don’t complain; don’t explain.” It’s hard not to complain or explain and I’m guilty of both sometimes, but I still try to follow this simple mantra.


  1. “I like the old saying, “Don’t complain; don’t explain.” It’s hard not to complain or explain and I’m guilty of both sometimes, but I still try to follow this simple mantra.”

    Your job as a journalist is to complain, and explain. And generate some traffic. At slightly above minimum wage.

    Those ads to the right of you probably make more than you do. This is not an insult – you should get a raise because it appears you generate the most traffic on this Mojave of blogs.