A loyal Blotch reader wondered what was happening with the Robin O’Hagan fatality investigation.

Recall that O’Hagan, a beloved Stockyards character, died in a car crash on Memorial Day after a Hummer driven by Larry Love Jr. ran a red light. O’Hagan was making a left turn and her car was struck broadside.

Police said it appeared to be an accident. Love did not appear intoxicated. No blood test was given. Love wasn’t charged with a crime.

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Our original post about O’Hagan’s death prompted a flurry of comments from readers, many of them casting aspersions on Love’s character.

Love has prior convictions for driving while intoxicated and drug possession. Based on reader comments, he isn’t the most beloved person in the community.

O’Hagan’s husband, Bill Mackey, circulated a petition at her memorial, calling for mandatory blood testing of any motorists involved in serious crashes. Current state law allows police discretion.

Mackey’s effort was stalled after he became physically ill for weeks after burying his wife.

But he’ll seek new legislation in the future, he said, even though similar bills have been introduced in the past without success.

Mackey said the police case is still considered “under investigation.” Both vehicles remain in police possession. But Mackey doesn’t hold out much hope for charges being filed against Love.

“There’s a good chance he is going to walk with no charges,” Mackey said this morning. “They don’t seem like they’re going to do anything to him.”