The retirement of Charles Gibson is a bummer. He was one of my favorite news anchors because he had charm and humility and he realized the news was more important than himself.

Too many newscasters these days come across like trained seals, or trained shills. Most of them remind me of Kent Brockman.

But Gibson was a modern day Walter Cronkite — an “Uncle Charlie” if you will – on his “World News” reports.


On the bright side, his retirement means Diane Sawyer will be leaving ABC’s “Good Morning America” to replace him.

Sawyer has no chance of filling Gibson’s shoes. She’s a former beauty queen, as fake as the diamonds on Lindsay Lohan’s earrings, and even less qualified a newswoman than Barbara Walters.

But at least she’ll be gone from “Good Morning America.”

I wake up at 7 a.m. and start watching morning news shows on network and cable TV. The first couple of hours of each day are spent ingesting news shows, and my favorite morning news crew is Matt Lauer and Meredith Viera’s “Today Show” bunch on NBC.

My least favorite crew is ABC’s two-headed monster of Sawyer and Robin Roberts. Breaking up that annoying duo means I might be able to stomach ABC’s morning news show once again.