To the editor: Thanks to Chow, Baby for pointing out the absurdity of the patrons who wanted a complete redo of their meal at Jamaican Gates (“Ya Too Rude,” July 8, 2009).

I have lost count of how many times I have heard customers at different eateries request refunds or replacement meals due to their “dislike” of what they had ordered. I commend these people for taking the first steps away from low-sodium saltines.

However, I am frustrated by their lack of ownership over their own taste buds. As Chow, Baby said, if it is an ordering mistake on the patrons’ part, they should have to chalk it up as a learning experience and not burden the world with their long list of limitations. Jamaican Gates was kind to have replaced those dishes with ones sans cultural tones, but small operations like it should not have to bear the increased food costs or loss of profit due to customer afterthought.


Lieu Huynh



Different Diagnoses

To the editor: Ron Bridges’ essay (“Compassionate Paying,” July 15, 2009) hit the trifecta on his reasons to scuttle the socialistic healthcare system being sold to the public by our elected officials.

As an insurance broker, Mr. Bridges has expertise, and I appreciate his sharing it. Always, in the long run, if you allow government proselytizing, it’s ultimately the taxpayers who get hooked and rooked to pay for the mistakes. This healthcare system sponsored by the government would be the biggest restructuring forced upon the American people in 40 years. The claim is that it will eliminate annual and lifetime caps on coverage and ensure that out-of-pocket expenditures won’t ever exceed one’s ability to pay.

Right. When cows fly! The only return we’d ever get on this investment in foolishness would be more taxes.

Connie Pilcher

Fort Worth


To the editor: I recently went to a hospital emergency room with an excruciating headache and numbness on one side of my face. I was admitted that night and released the next day. I was tested all day before being released and never received a diagnosis. My bill was $12, 600.

I write this to illustrate why, in my opinion, we can’t afford to wait for healthcare reform (“Healthy Debate,” July 29, 2009). According to the Center for American Progress and Families USA, each day 14,000 people in this country lose their healthcare coverage. I have insurance, but a person in my predicament without insurance wouldn’t be able to pay. Without reform, those who still have insurance will see their yearly premiums go up by $9,000 in the next decade to a staggering $22,000.

That’s why I believe a real public option is key to expanding coverage: Under current legislation, which includes a strong public health insurance option, 37 million Americans will gain coverage by 2019. Such an option will lower the cost to the public and give the greedy insurance companies some competition.

Jocelyn Medlock-Price



Limit Tasers

To the editor: Gayle Reaves wrote an arresting article about the Taser controversy involved in Michael Jacobs Jr.’s death (“Waiting for Answers,” July 22, 2009). How surreal.

Aside from Taser-happy cops, the Taser International group ought to be investigated, if for no other reason than that they try to forestall any legitimate claims by victims of Taser usage. Why is anyone, including our medical examiner’s office, intimidated by them? They hold the monopoly in promoting Taser guns but seem to have no regard for the fact that they are deadly in some circumstances.

Since police knew they had been summoned to the Jacobs residence to deal with an individual with a mental problem, they should never have turned away the first medical responders.

This scenario calls for heavy disciplinary action against the officers and for more training on these types of confrontations. Use of Tasers needs to be limited.

I’m surprised that rubber bullets are no longer in use, which would have served the purpose in the Jacobs incident. At least he’d be alive.

Pamela Rogers

Fort Worth

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