As you probably know, The Burning Hotels make a cameo in the new tween movie Bandslam. HearSay lent some column space to Weekly film critic Kristian Lin (who reviews the movie on pg. 29) to fill you in on the cameo. “If you can’t catch The Burning Hotels at Lola’s Saloon-Stockyards (105 W. Exchange Ave., 817-386-5008) on Friday, you can see them at your local movie theater. They show up once in the middle of the film when the main characters attend one of the Hotels’ concerts and again when the main characters go against the Hotels at the movie’s climactic battle of the bands.Hotels

Weird bit, though: The movie was shot in Austin, but it’s set in New Jersey, so when the movie pits the real bands that make cameos (the Hotels are one of several) against its two fictitious bands, those real-life groups are intentionally misidentified as being from the tri-state area. That’s why the movie announces in huge letters that The Hotels are from Robert Moses High School in New York City. (There actually is a Robert Moses High in Long Island.) Austin rappers Zeale and Phranchyze are supposed to be from the Big Apple as well, and Austin band The Daze are said to be from Connecticut. Looks like NYC owes Fort Worth (and Austin, too). When Hollywood makes its next rock ‘n’ roll movie, we should claim one of NYC’s homegrown bands as our own. Which one should we pick? The Fiery Furnaces? The Bravery? The Strokes? Let’s go nuts. (Or maybe not.)” … As Naxat, electronic indie-composer Alex Atchley is releasing his new EP, The Tree Tunnel, online for free. He describes the record as “13 minutes of pure melody influenced by a variety of musical genres: synth-pop, shoegaze, anthemic progressive rock, and chiptune” – music produced by a video game console sound chip. Visit

Throwback heavy-metallists Addnerim will be the first band to collaborate with The Dead Media, R&B singer-songwriter Nathan Brown‘s eight-track production company. Addnerim’s eight-track release show is slated for October and will inaugurate The Dead Media’s presence in Fort Worth. Cowtown native Brown started his company a couple of years ago while living in Little Rock, where he produced eight-tracks for several Little Rock bands.The Dead Media’s second Fort Worth release will be by Zeitmorder, the solo synth project of The Great Tyrant drummer Jon Teague. Zeitmorder’s first show, Fri., Oct. 2, at the Metrognome Collective (at the Firehouse Gallery, 4147 Meadbowbrook Dr.), will also be an eight-track release party. Brown’s third project will be with The Personal Victories of George Quartz (featuring members of Faux Fox). A few other North Texas bands whose names you know well are also thinking about working with Brown’s fledgling company. (I’ll tell you who they are once their deals are finalized.) Brown is promoting The Dead Media the old-fashioned way: talking up bands he likes. “No one really knows about [my company],” he said. “Even if they do, they don’t really have enough information or background to know how much they’ll enjoy having their music on eight-track.” Brown chooses bands based on “gut feeling.” Other factors include “being known locally, their sound, and their persistence as a band.” Visit

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