If your mental image of bows and arrows mostly comes from movies like the Lord of the Rings trilogy, you might want to take a gander at the ones on display at Cabela’s Archery Classic.

big_ticketThe metal instruments on sale at this event look like they’d be more at home in the Terminator movies, equipped with cables, pulleys, cameras, infrared lights, and various other gadgets. In addition to the bows and arrows, the store will also be selling accessories and equipment for dressing and food processing. Bowhunters, bowfishers, and even people who just want to shoot targets in their backyards will want to check out the latest gear.

Once you’ve obtained your hunting weapons, you might want to use them on some feral hogs, vicious and aesthetically unappealing animals that wreak havoc on the environment and taste delicious when they’re cut up into steaks. They live primarily to our south and east, but there are signs that they might find their way into North Texas. Fort Worth Nature Center holds a daylong seminar on these creatures that details their biology and the techniques used to control the population. The emphasis of this class won’t be on hunting the animals, but we’re sure that hunters will still be able to learn a thing or two.



Cabela’s Archery Classic runs Sat-Sun at 12901 Cabela Dr, FW. Admission is free. Call 817-337-2400.


The feral hogs seminar runs 10am-4pm Sat at 9601 Fossil Ridge Rd, FW. Pre-registration is required, and costs $50-75. Call 817-237-1111.

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