Extras and actors are needed for a short film being shot at the Chat Room Pub (1263 W. Magnolia Ave.) on Sun., July 26, from 10 a.m. ’til 5 p.m. (The bar will open at 3 p.m.) The film, inspired by Andy Warhol’s 1963 film Kiss and his assorted screen tests, will focus on “a woman who is rationalizing her sexuality and exactly how much it means to her overall identity.” The filmmakers will “document the physical responses of this particular woman as she is approached by both men and women of various motives in an effort to unravel her psychological adaptation to these advances.” No experience is necessary to participate: There won’t be any dialogue. Producer Kate McDougall said that participating “is a great opportunity for people wanting to build a resume as a model/actor.” The film is part of a larger body of work exploring the idea of “sexual-/self-definition and –realization through film and photography.” The filmmakers intend to screen the larger work in the fall at the Metrognome Collective’s Firehouse Gallery. Prospective extras and actors are encouraged to contact McDougall for more information at ladikate1@hotmail.com or 817-597-8029.