Fort Worth police said this weekend’s arrests at the Rainbow Lounge occurred after two customers made “sexually explicit movements” toward police officers, and another customer grabbed a cop’s groin.

Confused as to what constituted a “sexually explicit movement,” I called police Sgt. Pedro Criado for explanation. He agreed the phrase was rather vague and after thinking awhile he explained it as “simulated sex act against the officer’s body.”


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I had to think about that awhile myself.

“Humping?” I asked.

Yes, Criado said, police officers complained that customers were “dry humping” them, and one patron actually grabbed a cop’s crotch.

The half-dozen police officers on the scene were wearing police uniforms and carrying guns at the time of the alleged humping and crotch grabbing.

Criado said an investigation into the arrest is being conducted either as a chain of command review or “an internal affairs deal,” he said.


  1. ha! i was at the rainbow lounge on the night of these alleged dry humpings. i watched as FW police officers and tabc agents approached bar patrons who were in no way noticeably intoxicated, slammed them to the wall and ground and fitted them with zip tie handcuffs. there were no “sexually explicit movements” made towards any officer or tabc agent. i did, however, witness officers continually poke and prod a cooperative, handcuffed patron outside the bar, while said patron repeatedly and politely asked the officers to stop touching him. i also witnessed a tabc agent very inappropriately take my sister’s hand after we questioned him about their reasons for being there. this action was completely uninvited by my sister, by the way. the poor fwpd and tabc were obviously victims of sex-crazed homosexuals!

  2. Im sure that Ft worth police officers did not get”dry humped”its just something they made up after the fact.Who would ever grab a officer in uniform caring a gun.

  3. Someone needs to put this follow-up question to Fort Worth’s police chief:

    If Chad Gibson—the 160-pound, 26-year-old gay man that it took five of your officers to subdue—groped one of your officers, and if it was Gibson’s lewd action that caused your officers to go absolutely apeshit, then surely Gibson—who is in an intensive care unit and may not survive his injuries—was charged with assault, right?


    “Officers then went to the Rainbow Lounge, which had opened about a week ago. They encountered two drunk people who made “sexually explicit movements” toward officers and another who grabbed a TABC agent’s groin, according to the police report.”

    “No one was arrested for assault but about half a dozen people were arrested on charges of public intoxication, according to police records. Police Chief Jeff Halstead said Gibson was the patron who grabbed at the agent’s groin.”

    So… Chad Gibson sexually assaulted a Fort Worth police officer and, according to the Fort Worth’s chief of police, Gibson’s assault not only prompted but justified the actions of his officers at the Rainbow Room, but… Gibson wasn’t charged with assault.

    Can someone please ask the chief of police to explain how that works?