Bill Mackey and his wife Robin O’Hagan are a popular duo down in the Stockyards, and today there is a feeling of loss in that historic district as the couple’s many friends help Mackey mourn the tragic Memorial Day death of O’Hagan.

Police reports say a yellow Hummer driven by Larry Joe Love Jr. broadsided the small car driven by the 50-year-old O’Hagan yesterday morning at the intersection of Lake Country Drive and Boat Club Road. Witnesses say the Hummer ran through a red light.

Mackey and O’Hagan were doing their morning ritual – rising early and taking separate cars to a Starbucks in northwest Fort Worth. Afterward, they would drive to their respective jobs at the Stockyards. O’Hagan worked at The General Store and at The Maverick, and Mackey is A.C. “Ace” Cook’s right-hand man at The Bull Ring.

Vato Loco Tattoo (300 x 250 px)

“This morning was tough, it was my first morning without her,” Mackey said.

Yesterday morning, Mackey was leading the way to Starbucks and noticed in his rearview mirror that his wife got caught at a red light. He continued on and figured she would show up a minute or two behind him. He went inside and ordered for them both – a latte for him, a black tea for her.

But minutes passed and she never arrived.

“I tried to call her but that didn’t work,” he said.

He got back in his car to backtrack and “when I got to the intersection I saw there was a wreck,” he said. “The police wouldn’t let me go over and see her. They said they didn’t want me to see her that way — and I’m glad they didn’t.”

Despite his deep sorrow today, he expressed gratitude that their last conversation before leaving for Starbucks was a precious one.

“The lucky thing was, when we walked out of that house together yesterday morning we said, ‘I love you’ and we gave each other a kiss and she said, ‘I’ll see you at Starbucks,’” he recalled. “By the grace of god she died instantly. She didn’t suffer.”

O’Hagan loved the outdoors. Yesterday’s sunny and mild weather couldn’t have been lovelier, Mackey said.

“She always wanted to be outside, working in the garden and being with our dogs,” Mackey said. “If there was a day you had to go, yesterday was a beautiful day.”

This morning, Mackey returned to the intersection and just hung out for awhile, “just in case [her spirit] was still around there and needed some comforting,” he said.

Then he drove to Starbucks and ordered himself a ice latte, and ordered a black tea for the woman he loved but will never hold again.

Later this week he’ll return to work.

“She wouldn’t have wanted me to sit around and die,” he said. “She would want me to go on and take care of the dogs and the house and to make it. If I would have died, she would have got up the next morning and would have been strong, and I have to be that way for her. She got up and went to work every day. That’s what I’m going to do.”

“She was an amazing woman,” he continued. “Every day was a bright day for her. I can’t tell you what she did for me as a person. She is the person I should have been with the rest of my life. We had talked about who was going to push who in wheelchairs. She used to ask me, ‘Are we going to grow old together?’ I always said yes, but it was not meant to be.”

Love, the 36-year-old driver of the Hummer, has a felony rap sheet, including two previous convictions for driving under the influence.

A Fort Worth police detective said the crash is still under investigation and there appears to be no indication that Love, who was uninjured, was intoxicated at the time of the crash.

No charges have been filed as of today.


  1. What a tragic event. I hope Love gets the book thrown at him. Who gets two DUI’s and drives a Hummer? Sounds like the Devil to me.

  2. she was my friend and im absolutly saddened by this it has broken my heart i love robin with all my heart and bill too she was an amazing beautiful person and now her life was takin from her when it wasnt time she loved animals and taking walks and good conversation and she and bill were still young in there marriage they still had sooo much more life in their marriage to go they were beautiful and the memory of that will always be … but because of some ugly ignorant disgusting stubborn and selfish person her life is gone my friend a wife a sister a aunt is gone and i am broken hearted

  3. OMG! What a tragic & heartbreaking story!! My heart goes out to everyone who knew this lady. Somehow, I hope you all find comfort and peace in the memories that you will forever hold for Robin.

  4. Robin was the most loving and compassionate friend I have ever know. With out fail she was always there in the good times and bad. She touched so many people and was truly a once in a life time kind of person who could brighten any day. My hart is broken for bill and all who knew her. I can truly say I am a better person because of you Robin and will never forget all the great times.

  5. This story has some lessons for all of us. Robin and I along with over a hundred other art lovers attended an opening reception for the Hock Shop art collection exhibition at UNT in Denton on Sunday afternoon a week ago. Afterwards I had a fun social dinner with Robin and the Cook family. If we had all known that this vivacious friendly lady had only one more week to live I wonder how our conversations might have been different. I wish I had talked more with Robin because I’ll never have the chance again. And now I read about Bill and Robin’s last time together and know how thankful Bill must be that their last and final parting was so sweet and loving and gentle. Bill, thanks for reminding us all about how important it is that we part with love and kindness since we never know for sure that we will ever have the chance to do it again. And finally I overheard some conversation that indicated that the driver of the Hummer may have been on his cell phone when it happened. If that is true, wouldn’t you like to know how important that conversation was compared to the future being snatched from Robin and the pain inflicted on Bill and Robin’s family and all their friends. Bill, please don’t let this senseless tragedy keep you from continuing to be the great customer service man you are for the Bull Ring. In all the years I have known you there, I have never seen you act like you were having a down day. It won’t be easy, but remember that your friends are pulling together for you and know that you will come through with the strength and courage you have always shown.

  6. I John 1:9 and Romans 8:1 God says I will forgive you.”
    Hebrews 13:5 God says, “I will never leave you or forsake you.”
    Matthew 11:28-30 God says “I will give you rest.”
    Any lost is a great lost, including Ms. Robin. We must remember that Mr. Love is probably going thru this lost as well. I am sure he is not the devil, and his heart is broken over this. Surely we can agree this was not his thought or mission for the day to go out and kill someone. Especially not Ms. Robin. My prayers are with both families as all our prayers should be. We were not born to kill each other, but to love one another as Christ taught us and did.
    So let us honor this woman memory with love, respect and not hate and prejudice.

  7. Robin’s and our friendship go back for over 30 years. We lived in the Bahamas at the same time. Robin always had a smile and ready to help a friend. She knew her mind and acted on it.

    Her passing is a lost to us and all who knew her. Our heart and thoughts go out to Bill. Bill you are so right, Robin would want you to go on and to live life to the fullest as she did. She was thoughtful and helpfully and loving.

  8. I live in Lake Country and I work at a local business, and I know first hand that Larry was not a very nice person. Maybe to his close friends or whatever, but every time he would come in, he would not give anyone the time of day. I guess that’s how you get when your dad has a lot of money and you live the life arrogantly. I would never say that he deserves the punishment that he will probably get from this tragedy, but you reap what you sow. Robin seemed like a lovely human being. Is it worth mentioning that Larry would always be on his phone when he came in? Perhaps he was on his cell when this happend, not paying attention.

  9. I met Robin O’Hagan in 1972 my mother married her dad Donald a wonderful gentle man I loved very much. However we had not seen each other until her dad got sick in 2006 and she came back to Miami to help with him. Robin and I became real close then & after her father died in 2007. I always felt we had so much to catch up with because of all those years we were apart. She was a sweet lady and I am going to miss my sister very much.

  10. Larry is a member of my family. He has made his mistakes in the past and some people who do not know him personally might choose to not have a high opinion of him. But it would be nice if some would take into consideration the pain he most certainly feels having been the cause of an accident that took someone’s life, and how his family also feels.

    And no Hayes, it’s not worth mentioning. What is worth mentioning is that I pray for the family of Ms. O’Hagan, as well as for Larry.

  11. Bill,

    I am so sorry about your loss. I am the lady that stopped to console you at the wreck. I can’t imagine what you are going through, but I told you I would be praying for you and I am. So are many others!!! I pray that God will cover you in GRACE and PEACE!!! The will of God will NEVER take you to a place where the GRACE of God won’t protect you!!!!!

    Much love,

    Dedrea Franklin

  12. I live in the area. I’ve seen that Hummer drive down Golf Club doing 50, runs me and my wife right off the road when we go on walks. People need to stop being in a rush to get places…. SLOW DOWN and be considerate.


  14. My thoughts and prayers to Robin’s family and friends for your loss. May God be with you during this difficult time.
    Larry my thoughts and prayers are also with you. I know you are filled with remorse and guilt over this terrible accident.

  15. I am saddened by the fact that so many people commenting consider themselves to be compassionate but yet are ready to condem Mr. Love for his past. I beleive there is a criminal justice system that will make their decision based on the tragic incident yesterday and not on Mr. Love’s past. I am sure that each and everyone of us has made mistakes in our lives, however unfortante for Robin and her family.
    I admire Mr. Mackey for his devotion to Robin and his strength to move forward in her honor.

  16. My mom (lily) and Robin were stepsisters who found their way back into each others lives in a special way after being miles apart for many years. I’m glad they were able to connect as if they had never been apart. Our prayers go out to Bill Mackey, the O’Hagans and their families. Robin was a beautiful lady inside and out…and will be truly missed.


  17. I know Larry Love JR and I know of 2 other people who have died in his presence…..Not trying to be judgmental just stating the FACTS.
    The word of God says…We reep what We sow.
    My heart goes out to you sir and may you find Gods Peace through this event.

  18. Robin was more than a friend..She was more like a family member..My whole family loved her..
    She was a wonderful and sweet person..
    My heart goes out to her husband and her family..
    Robin i will hold loving memories of you in my heart always..

  19. It’s funny how we’re always so quick to condemn the person who causes the accident… Until it’s someone in our own family.
    I was always the one spouting, ‘throw the book at him!’ But now, I sit on the other side of this huge iron fence. Staring shock dead in the face.
    But, as a Christian, I’m sure God will get my family through what has happened, as well as the victim’s family. We just have to lean on Him and not our own understanding.

    It breaks my heart to see people being grossly rude to Larry while citing Bible verses in the same paragraph. Larry is not perfect, but I doubt any of you are as perfect as the pedestal you’ve put yourselves on. This is a tragic event, for BOTH families. Not just the victim’s. Please, keep that in mind before saying you want the book thrown at him. Accident’s happen, and you would want mercy if you were in his position.

    Loving you all because Christ first loved us.

  20. Robin and I were roommates our sophomore year at Florida Southern College. She was kind, optimistic, honest, loyal and a true friend. The world just lost a very special person and I am grateful to have known her. I am so sorry for your loss Bill – my heart just aches.
    Kris Keller Gause
    Palmetto, Florida

  21. What a horrible tragedy for all people involved.I hope and pray that this never happens to any of you.Both families must be devastated .Larry is my nephew and we are heart broken for him and the lady involved.It was an accident..A terrible accident,and for anyone to use this blog as a platform to slander JR and make ridiculous accusations is the lowest.I have prayed all day for Mrs O’Hagen and her family.i also have prayed for our family and JR.God also say’s let those without sin cast the first stone.please don’t forget that except for the grace of God this could be any one of us.I LOVE YOU JR.aunt Susie

  22. I’ve known Robin since 1985. She’s been a great friend to my family and I. She was there when my mother past away. the love and support that she gave my family was amazing.The great friendship that my father had with Robin it was though it was like his daughter. This tragedy will touch all who knew Robin
    My heart goes out to you Bill my you fined piece in your soul.

  23. How sad that people have made this a debate on whether Larry is a “good” guy or not.

    I knew Robin very very well. Actually, she was “part of our family”. I can tell you that Robin was a GREAT person. Robin was well educated, had no criminal past, never hurt anybody, loved life, was a hard worker, enjoyed her many friends, loved her dogs, her husband, her job and loved life. The morning of her death, she was looking forward to enjoying a day of reading, then would be coming to my house for dinner. The tragedy of losing Robin has hurt many people. Her husband Bill drove up on the wreck and had to wonder if Robin would get out of the car or not. There was never any question on whether or not Larry would. Bill is especially greatful to Dedrea for helping him until my family could get to him. Dedrea was an angel! For 3 days now, we have been making arrangements for Robin and how she will be laid to rest.

    I do not know Larry. But, you do not have to know Larry personally to know who/what he was…Larry has been in trouble for many many years for many many things. Public record reveals who he has been as a person. I find it sad that a person has made the choices that he has. His family is hurting? Really? For years his behavior has been constant. For years, there have been messes to clean up. For years, there have been heartaches to deal with. His family should be hurting for one reason and one reason only – BECAUSE THEY DID NOTHING TO STOP HIS BEHAVIOR! That is the reason they should be hurting.

    What the public does not know about this situation is this: At the wreckage, Bill forgave Larry for what he did. Within 4 hours of the wreck, I called Larry to tell him that we forgave him. Does that mean that we like what happened? NO we do not. Does that mean that we will ever forget what happened? No we will not. Are we angry at what happened? YOU BET! Should there be criminal charges? We could only hope…

    Robin should be with her family tonight, but, instead we are making arrangements for the visitation and memorial.

    Larry is with his family tonight and they are probably giving him the keys to another car. How unfair!

  24. To Lynn. it sounds like you know guy well ,what else should we know???????
    TO aunt Susie
    the thing I read about Larry Love JR make me think he is a spoiled little rich kid and has no regard for anyone sound like MR Love JR NEEDS TO THE BIG HOUSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. For 2 wonderful, loving, years I had the pleasure of being Robin O’Hagan’s husband. It was truly the greatest. I am sorry that more people in this area did not get the chance to know her.

    I am surrounded by family and friends that are making this time in my life bearable. Without them I would truly would be lost.

    As far as Mr. Larry Joe Love Jr. goes, his past and his families actions decided my wife’s fate. It could have been your family member, your kids, or your friend that he KILLED. The family had a choice to support his bad actions over the years, which they did, or change him by making him be responsible – in other words, his family were the enablers and my wife was their victim.

    Do I hate Larry Joe Love Jr? No. I am saddened that certain people have chosen to show Larry support instead of making him be accountable for his actions. Where was his family over the years when his actions showed other people pain? His life has become a cycle of hurtful actions with no consequenses. Will the death of my wife change him? Will it change his family? If you look at the past, the answer is NO, it will not.

    How sad that Robin had to die. How sad that NOBODY in his family can issue a public statement of apology.

    One thing about it. Robin was an amazing person that hurt nobody. You can not say the same about Larry.

    It is disgusting that his family members have chosen this PUBLIC venue to show some type of support for him. It is not about you and your family. It is about what Larry did…HE KILLED MY WIFE. What do you not get? Why was he driving? Have you seen his record? If not, call me and I will go over it with you! It is 18 (yes, I said 18) pages long. He had no business being behind the wheel of a car. If you love him so much, why don’t you drive him places? So, are we going to make Larry Joe Love Jr. the victim? It was me that told Charlene to call him and tell him that I forgave him. Did he tell you that? He has yet to tell me how sorry he is! Why can’t you people just state that you are sorry for my loss instead of trying to manipulate this situation to show him support?

    Here is the story cut and dry! Larry Joe Love Jr. Killed my wife. Period!

    On a loving note, thank you to the people that have shown me love and support. Without you, this time would be too painful to get through.

  26. i am reading this and am amazed at this guy. how can one person be involved in 3 deaths? i would like to know more about the other 2. anyone want to supply answer?

  27. Bill,

    I am truly sorry for your loss. I live right here off of Boat Club Road, also, and have been in the area since the 80’s – it has always been a dangerous road, but this accident was different. It had nothing to do with curves, wet roads, or animals – it was negligence. I am so saddened by the loss of your wife, whom I did not know. I can tell from the stories and anecdotes shared here that she was a very special person. I am glad that you were able to have her in your life, not many have such an opportunity. God blessed both of you. I will be praying for your family and friends during the coming weeks/months. I will pray for strength and renewed purpose for you.

    A local who cares,

    Brad Dodson

  28. OMG, Does anyone set out on any given day to take someones life??? I think not… This is a terrible tragedy for all involved. What ever record set aside, that young man was on his way to work to do the right thing in life. For Gods sake why are car accidents called just that??? We could all be involved in an accident that takes someones life, but are we really here to judge???? God bless both families

  29. I have read the items posted here and most of you should be ashamed at the accusations made at Mr. Love. First of all, the accident is still being investigated and there was more than one witness. One says the light was red and another said it was green. There was no evidence of speeding and no alchol or drugs were found by the officer at the scene. He was not ticketed. Mr. Love was a man on his way to work on Memorial Day. Everyone should wait until the final report comes out before they make accusations that are unfounded. Mr. Love did not kill your wife Mr. Lackey, she was the unfortunate victim of a terrible accident, which is causing an unbearable burden to 2 families. Most of what was written regarding Mr. Love is heresay.

  30. Thank you for putting me in my place (jarhead). So today when we have the viewing and i have to keep the casket lid shut because of the traumy to Robins beautiful face, and you are with Mr. love and his family and you tell him he’s a great person how the accusations made about him are wrong. You will try and drag my wife through the mud to make him feel better. Sorry to Mr.Love and the pain my wife has put his family in. I’am just a little bit bitter. You see i lost my light on Monday.

  31. I do not think an 18 page wrap sheet lies – so how is any of it hearsay? How sad that you are spewing statements for the police investigation BEFORE anyone knows anything. Oh, and yes, Mr. Love is the one that caused the accident that killed Robin. And, in the future jarhead, the husbands name is Mr. Mackey not Lackey. Can’t you get anything right?

  32. to charlene, How do you know that Mr. Love caused the accident, were you there? A rap sheet has no bearing in this accident. I am not supporting Mr. Love, but everyone seems to be jumping to conclusions before they have all of the facts. I can not begin to feel the pain Mr. Mackey feels for the loss of his love. It just pains me that some of the people feel Mr. Love is guilty of a heinous crime, and there is no proof yet as to what caused the accident. Wait for the facts.

  33. Mr. Mackey..
    My prayers are with you and your family.
    So sorry for your lost.
    When I lost my husband over 15 years ago, I too was bitter, sad and hurt. It was a bad bad accident as well. Just now can I take time to listen, watch and hear the sweet whisper from him above.
    I believe that our God gives our loved ones charge over us till we meet again. I urge you to stop listen, watch and notice her spiirt is still here, as my loved one’s is today.


  34. Thank you God for allowing us all to be blessed by Robin in our lives. Some of us for a lifetime, some for years, some for days and for some just a brief moment. She will live on in everyones memories and hearts.
    Bill thank you for the joy you brought to Robin. She spoke so proudly of you. I remember fondly the email she sent me with all the pictures of your wedding day. She was so excited and happy. Her joy and compassion was contagious. She will be missed.
    Peace Be With You

  35. My family has know Robin ever since she was in Elementary School. We have been with her through the good times as well as the bad times. She is a special sister to me. I haven’t met anyone like her. She was always a very giving person who would go out of her way to help however she could. I wish that Monday was just a bad dream and that we could wake up and see her smiling face once again. I know that she is in heaven with all of those who loved her dearly. Bill, never forget the good times you have had with her.
    Robin, I will never forget you.

  36. FACTS : (Public Record) Larry Joe Love JR was booked into Tarrant County Jail 50 different times. One of them being on 3-21-1993 on 7 counts of AGG ASLT W/MTR VEHICLE(Felony) in which 5 charges were dropped to Reckless Conduct(Misdemeanor) and the other 2 NOT EVEN FILED along with SPEEDING. He has been charged with 3 DWI’s One which was NO BILLED. He has an ESCAPE BODILY INJURY, POSSESSION CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 1-4G and ASLT-BOD INJ, RESIST ARR/SEARCH and EVADING ARREST VEHICLE and you want to tell someone to over look Mr. Love’s past due to an accident…….One that took a precious ladies life.

    MY THOUGHTS: She appears to be a Child of God whom was brought to completion here on earth and awaits her Loving family in Heaven. I do pray to God the Justice System does their part in this matter. Last I pray the Love family will pull together and began to see to it Larry get the help he needs while he awaits the verdict.

  37. I feel absolutely terrible that this has happened. Our family mourns for Ms. O’Hagan, as much as we try to empathize with the pain that I am sure Larry is going through. I honestly don’t see how the fact that he has a rap sheet bears on what has occured here: an accident. Whether he ran a light or not, it was an accident. He was not under the influence. There was no malice involved. And yet there is plenty of malice displayed here.

    I can understand being bitter, but there is just no call for being so openly slanderous. Does it make you all feel more justified in your anger because he has a past? What in the world would you do if he had a clean record? Thank goodness you all have plenty of ammunition to throw, I would hate to see the vitriol if he hadn’t ever made any other mistakes of public record.

    As a family member, I am concerned about and love Larry. I have never enabled his behavior as some might suggest, but I would never think to turn my back on him just because he made mistakes. And I won’t apologize for defending him against heresay, conjecture, and hate.

    Our feelings should be ones of sadness and grief, not prejudice and rage. In the eagerness to point a finger, we forget that we are dealing with a sad and tragic accident, with no malice aforethought. Please try to keep that in mind.

    Again, I pray that God eases the sorrow of the O’Hagan family and friends.

  38. First of all, Mr. Mackey, I’m truly sorry for your lost. I can not even began understand how you feel or pretend that I do. I can just state how saddened I am about the accident. I know Larry Jr. and can’t even put into words how sad he feels or how he wishes that he could express how sad he is for you. This was truly an accident. You and anybody else can pull up the past and see that it is the past. You will not find anything recent. Just things from his past as a very young man. Not the man he is today. You know that if it was possible for him to speak with you, he would. I’m not asking you to forgive him. Who would want to forgive someone so soon. I’m just wanting to shed some light on the situation and let you know it was truly just an accident and everyone wishes that it did not happen. I know my words can not ease your pain but I just want to let you know the person you see on paper from 15 years ago is not the person who was driving the morning of the accident. Again, I am deeply sorry for your lost and will keep you in my prayers.

  39. i also know Larry jr. and he has never taken responsibility for any of his actions. i doubt he feels bad! he is a spoiled rich punk that stays messed up on xanex all the time and is a woman beater, doesn’t take care of his own son and is just a pure waste of life. the police need to look deep into his past and see what all he has been associated with.

  40. Mr. No,

    You obviously don’t know Larry as well as you claim. I know I know him better than you. You are obviously someone from the past who is jumping at the opportunity to kick someone while he is down and in the middle of a very tough time. You go ahead and look deep in the past like you feel the police should do and you’ll continue to find the same person on paper. But the person today, you will not find by digging into the past. Put your hate aside and leave the site to people who might have words for the families that are going through a very tough time.

  41. Well I also know Larry and Mr. No is right on target. Your right it is sad for the family who actually had a loss, but it was not Larry Love Jr. So maybe you don’t know Larry at all. We realist don’t coverup the true colors of a person, so the true evil and face of someone will eventually be revealed. I just hope all get what is deserved, so please don’t coverup what many people know to be the truth about Mr. Larry Love Jr.

  42. Mr. Yes and Mr. No,

    No need to argue with you two. You claim you know so much but it is actually little. This incident was a very unfortunate accident. That is something everyone knows who was there at the scene of the accident. You and your hateful selves were not there to witness this, but I guess you can continue to tell us the things you don’t like about Larry’s past and how they relate to the incident.

  43. Bill please don’t let these ignorant, and lifeless people bring you down. There is one thing for sure which is I’m sure Robin wouldn’t like it to hear that these people are bringing you down. Just because they still have their loved ones here on Earth and think that an 18 page report from now or then don’t matter just shows how meaningless and stupid they are. Aunts, cousins, uncles whoever have been leaving those comments have no reason to do so. Bill is going through a very tough time and you guys with your without any feelings comments are just making it harder. Why don’t you understand that a loved one was lost due to someone not paying attention on the phone or not, with a friend or not, drunk or not, drugged or not a life was lost. Accident or not a life was taken away. Larry is still here and will he have to live with this for the rest of his life of course but does it matter? Who knows. Bill just remember how Robin changed your life and remember how I am sure she would not want to see you bring yourself down to their level over this website. You’re a better man than that and I know it hurts because i lost a loved one this year on January 3rd. There is nothing that can take that pain away from you no matter how one tries, but in memory to Robin think of all the good times you guys had, think of how Hunter made you guys laugh, think about your wedding day, the most happiest day of your life. Robin please take care of Bill for only You know what he is thinking and going through. Robin was a very sweet, friendly, amazing, loving, easy to get along with person. There are just too many words that describe her that I don’t know where to stop. She made me feel welcomed when I first started to work there at The General Store. I remember she made me laugh so hard one day that I had to run to the restroom to pee. She told me about how one night you guys were still living at the apartments that you went to put on her house shoes and that they were all wet and you jumped. Remember that? Oh or how she couldn’t wait to buy her first pair of Crocs from work when we first got them in. How she loved to spend her lunch time with you over at the Star Cafe? Please Bill think and remember all that. Also know that the entire gang old and new from The General Store and The Maverick are here for you. May God give you that peace that you are seeking and give Mrs. Mackey her rest. I love you guys so much and I look up to you Bill despite whatever happened two years ago. If you need anything you have my number. I love and miss you so much Robin. May you rest in peace.

  44. My heartfelt condolences go out to Bill and his family. I can not even begin to feel the pain of his loss. I remember meeting Bill and Robin when they moved in next door to us. My wife and I were very excited to have new neighbors. Robin always had a smile and never missed a chance to stop and say hello. For the past couple of nights I have sat in my backyard looking into Bill and Robin’s. It has been quite sad not seeing the normal day to day activity that usually was going on back there. I only wish we would have had more time to get to know one another. We will miss you Robin.

  45. Our hearts reach out to Bill at this time of tragedy. Bill, you are in our prayers and thoughts. Both Paula and I have known Bill since 2003 when we all worked together at the Bull Ring. Having moved away we are sorry that we never got to know Robin, however knowing you, Bill, and how happy you were is proof enough of her character and soul and we will truly miss her.

  46. Mr. Mackey,
    I am so sorry for your loss! I worked for the Love’s for 9 months and Larry Jr. was my direct boss! I can tell you first hand that this boy was either strung out on “Meth” or he was high on Xanax everyday that I worked there. He was a very mean spirited person that had the ability to leave nasty messages in which my 11yr old overheard and cried over. You can subpoena anyone that works for their company and they will tell you what an awful person he is. I have friends that still work for them and have seen no remorse or change in attitude to date. He is arrogant and will always be that way.
    To those of you that are running to the defense of this monster, try having daily contact with him. I[m sure daddy’s boy knows how to behave when around family and family functions. And my statements and observations are not hearsay…I was directly involved with him and have tape recordings of his vicious rants. I have also witnessed first hand the “Meth” pipe that he left laying on the desk at MY place of employment. I no longer work there because I couldn’t deal with a “spoiled” heartless individual. All of my accusations are documented with Texas Workforce Commission dating all the way back to January, 2009. The only reason Jr. was going to work on “Memorial Day” was because he had missed Friday because of a drunken stupor that left him feeling bad and he couldn’t drag his sorry self to work. The office wasn’t open on Memorial Day. He wanted to work by himself or to meet his drug dealer at the business like he did quite often.
    It sounds like a beautiful soul left you Mr. Mackey but take comfort in knowing that she loved you and she will always be in your heart. God Bless you Mr. Mackey!

  47. Mr. Thompson

    I was quite shocked to hear of all of your knowledge when it comes to Mr. Love. Can you please e-mail me at I would love to have as much information as you could give me. I am so pleased that you have spoken up. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Thank you

  48. my boyfriend works at tow op and he was at the site to pick up the car. it has really stuck with him and wants to know if there is anything he and i can do to help? maybe sign that petition? please let us know.

  49. Bill,
    I am still thinking of you and remembering Robin. I know that God’s grace and love is unending.