The $40 million video screen at Jerry World is in place, but I’m not sure it’s a wise investment. Don’t get me wrong, I love watching Dallas Cowboys games at home on my big screen TV, with a cold beer, chips, and dip, and kicked back on the couch in my boxer shorts…uh…I digress.

My point is, when I go to events I don’t appreciate the big video screens. It’s hard not to watch the screen rather than the real-live action. It makes me feel like I paid good money, got dressed, drove across town, waited in line, and plunked myself down at the big game to basically do what I could have done at home – see it all on TV with slow-mo and instant replays, except while wearing long pants instead of boxers.

I’m probably in the minority here; most people like the screens at games and concerts. But I think the screens rob spectators of a moment in time.

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At the Leonard Cohen concert at Nokia Theatre in April, I made an effort all night long to avert my eyes from the big screens that flanked the stage. My gaze stayed focused on Cohen, the real person, the spiritual, romantic, 74-year-old poet and songwriter who looked kind of small from where I sat, but at least he looked flesh-and-bone real. That way, the show for me was more personal and in the moment – and one of my Top 5 concert experiences of all time.

If Cohen comes back to Texas anytime soon, I would strongly advise you to go.

So…what was I talking about? Oh yeah, big screens. Hate them. The end.

Go Cowboys!


  1. The cheap seats are so high up they needed to figure out a way to get you, a paying customer, a better view.

    Check their advertising campaign, there is a reason the cheap seat is advertised in the parking lot and not at the actual location in the stadium.