Ultra-cool. Just. Don’t even say otherwise. Do, and I will print out your comment, set it on fire in my office wastebasket, dance around the flames, and then sleep the dreamless sleep of a tired child. The vid for Peter, Bjorn, and John’s catchy, head-bobbin’ “Nothing to Worry About” is awesomized by the inclusion of footage of ‘50s-lovin’ Japanese guys dancing in public. Apparently, the subculture’s members regularly gather at particular urban depots or other populated places and, well, just dance. (Other Japanese subcultures do, too; dance in public, that is.) Fort Worth needs some similarly cracked examples of similarly good, similarly clean fun. “If you’re SUCH a poet / Twist your tongue and show it.” PB & J = awesome.

Catchy Yeah Yeah Yeahs song I recently noticed backdropping the comings and goings of the 34-going-on-16-year-old cast members of Gossip Girl, inspiring me to wax juvenile: “Which character, specifically, is said ‘Zero’?” With the vid’s airing, Karen O has officially become the band – she’s in just about every single frame. She also evidently has had a stylist or 12 sicced on her. Good for her. Love her voice. (Listen for the high-pitched, surely synthesized “ohhh”’s.) Trés that chick from Berlin. What ever happened to her, anyway? Perhaps more pressingly, why was yours truly watching GG? Well, except for Antiques Roadshow, Monday-night TV doesn’t necessarily thrill.


You’ve gotta love a heavy indie-rock song that’s not about “you” and/or love and/or relationships. Well, actually, Glasvegas’ “Geraldine” is indeed about love not of the kind between sex-having people. Rather, it’s of the unique kind between a client and his or her social worker. And it’s not the least bit schmaltzy!

WEEKLY POETRY FIX (‘cause you know you want it)

“When the Snake Became a Man”

by Garret Keizer


When the snake became a man,

he couldn’t stop swallowing

one rat after another until

he became so large he couldn’t

constrict his prey. He hired

a number of smaller snakes

not men or barely so to strangle

the rats for him and a surgeon

to make an opening in his tail

over which he wore a velvet hat

when not extruding his meals.

Read more


May have mentioned him before, but whatever: Adolf Wolfli (1864-1930), a clinically insane convicted child molester from Switzerland who painted and drew ultra-committed tableaux – “committed” as in “you must be super-committed and/or daft to spend as much time on repetitive detail as you do” – all laced with mythological imagery and spiritual potency. Colorful, too.

Outsider artist Adolf Wolfli's "Holy St. Adolf Tower" (1919). Colorful. Committed. Insane.
Outsider artist Adolf Wolfli's "Holy St. Adolf Tower" (1919). Colorful. Committed. Insane.