A revival of Ben Stevenson’s lavish production of Swan Lake starts the New Year for Texas Ballet Theater, with five performances scheduled in Bass Performance Hall beginning Friday. TBT artistic director Stevenson’s version of the ultimate classical ballet ranks high on the list of memorable dance experiences. Scenery and costumes are by English designer David Walker, one of the giants in the field, who has many impressive stage productions to his credit here and in Europe.

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Artistic director Stevenson’s staging preserves Lev Ivanov’s iconic second-act love duet and swan ensembles as well as the Black Swan pas de deux in the third act.

Opening night will feature Leticia Oliveira as the Swan Queen and Andre Silva as Prince Siegfried. Rotating casts of company regulars will appear in subsequent performances. The dancers will be accompanied by taped music, a cost-cutting device pleasing to no one – especially the local musicians union, whose members will be distributing leaflets outside Bass Hall before and after the performances – but dictated by economic reality.


Swan Lake runs Fri-Sun at Bass Performance Hall, 525 Commerce St, FW. Tickets are $19-99. 877-828-9200