Like most good things, Fall Gallery Night is getting a little too big. There’s so much to see and so many people to fight through that its usual pleasures are fading fast. Gone are the quick refills of boxed wine. Gone, the slurred, happy conversation. Gone, the preponderance of serious art appreciators. Now you gotta wait a minimum of 20 minutes for a drink, most of the attendees could care less about art, and all your friends are constantly asking you to explain post-modernism.

There’s been an upside to the growth, notably the number of cool, non-traditional venues and Grade-A artworks. Little Studio 4, an ad hoc viewing space attached to the Wreck Room in the Cultural District, is always a blast, even if the art is merely so-so. Same for Firehouse Art Studios and Gallery. Just remember that bohos know how to par-tay.

As for the improved quality, we can probably thank our gaudy neighbor to the east. Gallery 414’s pro-Dallas predilections have blossomed over the past year and are culminating on Gallery Night. All five artists in 414’s Them That Dare may not know their Fred’s Texas Café from their Fred Flintstone, but here they are. (Though Dallas artists are pompous as hell, some of them, like 414’s invitees, do quality progressive work.) Other options for edgy fare include UNT-Artspace FW, the Arlington Museum of Art, and, the party spot, Artspace 111.

the blok rectangle

For exceptional artwork that also just happens to go good with fancy living room furniture, don’t miss Dalton Maroney at William Campbell Contemporary Art. If there could be a single manifestation of the precise moment 80 years ago when primitivism began to inform modernism, the UTA prof’s beautiful boat-shaped wall reliefs are it. Don’t miss ’em.

Fall Gallery Night is Sat throughout Fort Worth and Arlington. Check our Calendar listings for specific times and locations.