Local sports radio/TV personality Chris Arnold was busted by Jason Lisk of the The Big Lead blog for blatant plagiarism. Arnold, who is also the Dallas Mavericks’ game night emcee, appears to have ripped off a piece by Scott Kacsmar that ran on a blog called  Cold Hard Football Facts. The story Arnold “wrote” for the CBS DFW has already been taken down.

As Lisk pointed out in the story, Arnold made some cosmetic changes to his piece, but basically copy and pasted Kacsmar’s article and slapped his name on it.

Lisk took a few examples from each story and ran the two bits of prose side by side (I highlighted the subtle differences):


ARNOLD: “We know Romo isn’t a bus driver. He has thrown for over 300 yards a total of 41 times and has 51 games with a passer rating over 100.0 (minimum 15 attempts). His 7.94 yards per attempt is the seventh highest in NFL history. He’s not conservative.”


KACSMAR: “We know Romo isn’t a caretaker. He has thrown for 300 yards a total of 40 times and has 48 games with a passer rating over 100.0 (minimum 15 attempts). His 7.94 yards per attempt is the seventh highest in NFL history.”

He made some other examples in his story, but I’d hate to take credit for his work. (See how easy that was, Chris?)

Plagiarism is the journalistic equivalent of being a horse thief in the cowboy world.

Arnold since admitted his sin and apologized to Kacsmar on twitter, and somehow has somehow kept his job.



  1. It’s not really Chris’ fault, Chris Arnold’s primary job is in Radio which we all know is a copy cat industry which regularly steals bits, concepts, ideas and even personel if the money is right. Chris it’s OK we forgive you for you know not what you do. Gotcha down!

    • If this is okay . If Chris is allowed to remain in the media , it proves that Jayson Blair is the Jackie Robinson of media . It proves that all these black guys in the media like Chris and Donovan Lewis can just plagiarize without fear of repercussions .
      It’s bad enough the have no talent or ability but now they can just steal other peoples crap and we have to be okay with it?
      Image that .. A black guy stealing .

  2. Arnold boasted all last night on twitter about this article he wrote. @mrchrisarnold – u can read his thread and his most recent, ridiculous attempt to lure Scott on his radio show. Scott declined but asked for an apology on the radio. Chris Arnold had no problem telling everyone to read his article last night, he even tweeted a rude reply to me “maybe you should read my article before starting a war.” Well you sir, didn’t write it. He deserves all bad press for this moronic move.

  3. As many have pointed out, Arnold routinely makes some cosmetic changes to his pieces, but basically copies and pastes articles and slaps his name on it.

      • Despite this, Arnold never succeeds in making Romo and the Cowboys credible human beings. Alluding to the pressures placed on them by fans to score more touchdowns doesn’t do the job. Arnold is the one who fails to sketch in these characters, and he contributes some really clumsy dialogue in both the initial scene between Romo and his wife (Candice Crawford) and in his final exchanges with the Jones family. Strangely, Arnold is a smart performer in the historical media where he has directed himself on “The Ticket” and as the emcee at Dallas Mavericks’ games.

  4. If this is okay . If Chris is allowed to remain in the media , it proves that Jayson Blair is the Jackie Robinson of media . It proves that all these black guys in the media like Chris and Donovan Lewis can just plagiarize without fear of repercussions .
    It’s bad enough the have no talent or ability but now they can just steal other peoples crap and we have to be okay with it?
    Image that .. A black guy stealing .

    • But give Chris Arnold some credit, as he was among the first to realize that “people do love lists” during the pre-listicle era. However, using the binary numerical system to number the lists may have been a mistake.

  5. If this is okay . If Chris is allowed to remain in the media , it proves that Jayson Blair is the Jackie Robinson of media . It proves that all these black guys in the media like Chris and Donovan Lewis can just plagiarize without fear of repercussions .