Letitia Huckaby's quilt work has earned her a spot in the 2013 Texas Biennial.

Fort Worth’s Letitia Huckaby, Hiroko Kubo, Angela Kallus, Gregory Ruppe, and HOMECOMING! Committee and Arlington’s Jeff Gibbons are the Tarrant County artists selected by independent curators to participate in the 2013 Texas Biennial. Founded only relatively recently by Big Medium, an art-focused Austin nonprofit, and intended to showcase the best emerging and established visual artists in Texas, the Biennial has in the past consisted of a series of exhibits throughout the state but will now be concentrated into a single group show, at Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum in San Antonio, and will take place September 5 through November 9.

This is the most love Fort Worth artists have ever received from the event. For the last Biennial (2011), only one Fort Worthian, multimedia artist Tim Harding, was chosen, and throughout the previous three iterations of the event (2005, 2007, 2009), only Harmony Padgett and Winter Rusilowski were invited to participate on behalf of yon towne of cow.

Running through Fort Worth’s 2013 Biennial batch is a streak of purple. TCU’s MFA program, whose national (and international) profile seems to be growing larger with every new group of grads, has recently produced sculptors Kubo and Ruppe and also two leaders of HOMECOMING!, sculptor Bradly Brown and painter Devon Nowlin.


All of the participants –– multimedia artists Huckaby, Kallus, who shows mostly in California and Nevada, and Gibbons, who shows almost exclusively in Dallas –– are outstanding. Congrats to everyone.